Logan - Blu-ray Review

All of a sudden, I REALLY want to watch this flick!

It's well worth it. IMO (as I said in the review) it feels VERY much like Unforgiven meets X-Men.
that it is. As a guy who loves his guns WAAAAAAAAAAY too much and competes, Reeves REALLY amped up his training for the second movie. He was very obviously using Taran Butler's techniques on mag switches and choice of weaponry (that's actually why he switched over to glocks and 1911s in the second movie, as well as the Benelli semi auto shotgun, as that is Taran's training specialty)
There's so much choreography and trickery that we as viewers don't see. You can tell Keanu has had some seriously advanced formal training. He takes his craft seriously which I respect.
Youse guys are into da blood of da bad guys. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue!
Youse guys are into da blood of da bad guys. He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue!

lol, classic movie
I am torn by the amount of gore in the new movies. On one hand movies like Saving Private Ryan show gore that is expected due to its very nature, while on the other hand some of these newer movies seem to spill blood because they can. I am kind of ok with it but like you said Mike, kids need to be steered in another direction.
Todd, I think you will like it. I know you already bought it and are looking forward to seeing it, so I guess I'm just reaffirming that your purchase was warranted!

It's "set" in the X-Men realm, but it is unlike any of the other films. This film is more in the drama category than any of the other films. It's purposeful and not just "showy." It's also a whole, whole lot more heart-felt compared to any other X-Men film before it. This is actually how drab and dark a Wolverine movie should be, in my opinion.

Jack, as for the blood and gore, I agree at times the film genre takes it to unnecessary levels. This film is quite brutal, but put into context of what kind of person Logan/Wolverine really is, this is actually better suited to be that way. Logan has always been the temperamental, angry-type. He also has razor sharp adamantium blades for weapons. Put the two of those things together, there should be a good amount of violence and blood associated. I didn't find it gratuitous and unnecessary.

Growing up with the graphic novels, Wolverine has been essentially dumbed down for all the previous films. That's just my opinion.
Growing up with the graphic novels, Wolverine has been essentially dumbed down for all the previous films. That's just my opinion.

same here. I've said that for years. The only time you ever REALLY saw Wolverine in the previous movies was during X-2 when Stryker raids the house and Wolvie goes berserk. that was literally the ONLY time we saw the classic Wolverine on screen (no matter how much I love what Jackman's done with the role)
No looking back now!

Jon, I'll come back and report my "findings" after I give it a spin ;-)
same here. I've said that for years. The only time you ever REALLY saw Wolverine in the previous movies was during X-2 when Stryker raids the house and Wolvie goes berserk. that was literally the ONLY time we saw the classic Wolverine on screen (no matter how much I love what Jackman's done with the role)

That was most definitely one of the best Wolverine scenes in the X-Men movie franchise. Outside of "Logan" X-2 is probably my favorite of the X-men movies. The newer ones are quite good, like First Class and Days of Future Past, but they still feel a bit lacking compared to X-2.
No looking back now!

Jon, I'll come back and report my "findings" after I give it a spin ;-)

I was hoping to have my copy of Logan last week. I got shipping notice that my preorder had shipped last Monday. Then Thursday rolled around and it said there was a shipping delay. ETA is now this Wednesday :(. I'm hopeful that I'll still get it ON release day instead of the day after... First time I've had this happen for a preorder.
Well sadness turned into happiness today!


Not early, like I'm normally used to, but at least it's not late!
I've got my copy as well. Looking forward to watching it tonight.
You not gonna watch it tonight are you... on a Tuesday night?
Yes sir we are. We like movies and Tuesday just so happens to be new release night. If mamas home and something good came out Tuesday is often movie night.
I just got my copy, too. Unfortunately, no watching is happening here tonight! :frown:
I got The Great Wall... but not sure if I'll have time to watch it tonight or not.
I also just received the original Expendables in 4K/Dolby Atmos.

That will likely be a good one... although there are just too many big names to keep up with.
I have it in Blu-ray... it's a blood bath of explosions and bullets. Apparently the Atmos track (which is unique to the 4K disc) is amped!
the video quality on Expendables isn't the most awesome stuff in the world for a 4K disc, but it's a solid upgrade, but that audio track... whooooo boy. Mikey Likey
Watched my copy of Logan yesterday and was really satisfied by the HDR presentation. It's not the brightest APL, even might be on the lower end of the APL, but the consistency in image dynamics was impressive. Overall sharpness varies from "great" to shots that are only "pretty good." I'd say that's more indicative to how the film was shot though. The details, though, in some of the shots is quite stunning, like Logan's facial hair, Xavier's stringy white hairs, facial textures and clothing fabrics.

Overall a very nice presentation and a much better experience than when I saw it in the local cinema.