Looking for Recommendation for 4K ACTIVE HDMI Cable 15-20ft


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Apr 14, 2017
Washington, The West
I likely need a 15 ft - 20 ft cable.
Whats good, WORKS, out there for a reasonable price? It should also be CL2 rated as its going in the ceiling..although it will be in a smurf tube.

The Monoprice Dynamic View Active HDMI cable runs $25 for a 15ft and $41 for a 20ft. It has reviews both ways though so it could be a toss up with it working.

Please provide any ideas on proven tested products you have used.
Check out Ethereal HDMI cables... they are supposed to be pretty good. I have a few of those for short runs in my system.
If it's going in a ceiling and you want it to be as future proof for as long as possible, I'd go with a Ruipro Fiber Optic cable. Copper will only get you so far - bandwidth-wise. This is one area that you don't want to go cheap.
I'm echoing what mech and Sonnie have both said. for future proofing, just bite the bullet and buy a fiber optic cable from Ruipro or even Monoprice. They're pricey, but they actually give the stated bandwidth without issues vs. the copper active cables which have issues here and there
Ruipro may be what I have... active... can't really remember, but the 35 footer was around $150 ... I think.

Yep... just looked on Amazon... purchased over 2 years ago and still working well... $140 for the 33ft length. 6 meters is $120.

I just looked that up...I'll be throwing a 6 meter in my cart
:T What you using for the cable connection between the device (4K player) and receiver?
for a short 6 foot or under run, ANYTHING that's 18gbps is more than fine as long as it comes from a decent company. under 12 feet even the most basic 18gbps monoprice cable will do the job without any issues.
Yeah for short distances, copper is still fine. Especially when it can be easily replaced when needed.
for a short 6 foot or under run, ANYTHING that's 18gbps is more than fine as long as it comes from a decent company. under 12 feet even the most basic 18gbps monoprice cable will do the job without any issues.
Thanks... I should be good. I have a bunch of monoprice high speed hdmi cables that I believe are 18GHZ will just double check.

Any suggestions on a ceiling mount for the JVC DLA-RS1000K/DLA-NX5. I looked up the chief RPA281 but there appears to be different versions and I'm not sure that everything I need is included?
I'd call whoever it is you're ordering from and verify with them that it will work with your projector.
I bought a 50ft Ruipro that conked out. They sent another one as replacement that seemed to work fine. FIBBR makes super nice quality fiber cables too. That's what I currently have pulled through my conduit.

Just make sure you pull the cable in the right direction (fiber has an input and output).
If your looking at a monoprice HDMI cable..is there a item number on the plug or cable ? So you can research it and the specs if your not sure of the specs?
I see that it sayd 22 awg and that it says high speed with ethernet on the cable...but looking for more specs so maybe a Item number on it somewhere so I can research it?
What spec are you looking for?

All HDMI cables are capable of handling 2.0 data transfer. They aren’t capable of 2.1 data transfer (you’d need to buy a 2.1 designated cable)
Probably the wisest thing you can do is to make sure you have an easy way to upgrade it when needed. Just watched a webinar on how HDMI 2.1 is right around the corner and while we won't be seeing anything at 48Gbps right away, it will be here in a few years. 24Gbps will hit us first.
That's a good question. I want to say yes... but you may want to confirm with the manufacturer. Usually, HDMI/Ethernet cables specify that right on the box.
Well i received my Ruipro cable and sure enough on the box it states High Speed with Ethernet. Does anyone know if the JVC NX5/1000 does firmware updates over HDMI Ethernet?
I don’t. I want to say it’s done via memory stick, but could be wrong.
Todd is right. Mem stick
I’m having motion blur (nauseating) and pixelation of wide screen shots, portrait closeups are super clean. Would bad fiber cable cause this? What would be the main cause?
Never had to deal with any of that before, but I don't think that would be the cable... sounds more like the material being presented, unless it is happening on everything, then it could be the player or the projector. Process of elimination.
StraightWire makes an amazing optical HDMI cable up to 50 meters. We been using them for around a year and have make them a company standard on all native 4K projectors, 8K TV’s and Highend 4K TV’s when greater than 25ft.
This decision was made using a SpectraCal HDMI diagnostic tool.
Good Luck