lost high end

Rique Pagan

Thread Starter
Apr 11, 2023
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
mixing/Pro Tools9 HD
Main Amp
Grace m904
Computer Audio
3 card TDM
Front Speakers
Adam S2.5A
hello: In my project studio control room: I may have added too much treatment but my high end just dives after 15K.. where do I go to submit a rew file for help?
You can post the .MDAT here, imgur.com, or your favorite audio forum.

Most of us are amateurs, FYI.
Hey, great, experienced amateurs, just what I want. My question is simple really. I covered a little more than 50% of walls and cieling with cheap 6x8 carpet pieces. the kind that is so cheap, it's just one step up (maybe less dust) from burlap. and burlap I would have stiffened with some kind of starch. Anyway, Is all this covering the culprit?


There seems to be a problem with your equipment. The frequency response should not cutoff like this:


for a sweep to 20KHz.

Room treatments will not produce an effect like the above but they will effect the RT60 results:


Which are not bad, but a little on the 'dry' side.

You seem to be using very old version of REW, 5.19, on a very old version of Mac OS X, 10.8.5.
Check the buffer settings in the REW soundcard preferences, if they are very large the latency that causes can mean the end of the sweep is missed. 16k buffers should be sufficient. If reducing buffer size doesn't help use the acoustic timing reference option to make sure the replay latency doesn't cause the end of the sweep to be missed.
thanks very much