Make a good measurement system with REW and Raspberry

Hi Antonio:

Just thought I would keep in touch. As you know, I am enthusiastic about your work and in particular what you come up with for the sound card. Hope you know how much we appreciate your work on the analyzer and its sound card.

Has the market gotten better for the chips you need or is it still a problem?

Thanks again,

Wes Brenner
the audio card is still undergoing circuit modification to improve some aspects related to the DAC low-pass filter and to improve the square waveform always output to the DAC.
I am a perfectionist and I am never happy with the result, the next version will have a more complex output buffer due to a 6th order low-pass filter.
Unfortunately I am still in the process of modifying the PCB which is proving difficult, I hope to finish it by the end of September 2024.
Afterwards I will have to have it made and then assemble and test it, I don't think it can be made by the end of 2024.

Greetings from Rome
Antonio Di Motta