Marantz 7000PM/U1B


Thread Starter
Apr 17, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Yamaha RXV-795a
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
X-Box 1s
Streaming Subscriptions
Yamaha S796 DVD Player
Front Speakers
Chane A5rx-c's
Center Channel Speaker
Chane A2rx-c
Surround Speakers
Surround Back Speakers
Other Speakers
Video Display Device
Samsung Smart TV
Hey guys, I found this amp for sale for $100. Can only find 1 review which claims it's nothing special, in spite of getting the 2000-2001 amp of the year award. Anybody have any experience/feedback on it? The price seems hard to beat. Looks brand new on the outside.
$100 sounds like a great deal if it's in that good of shape. You know Marantz is going to be good quality.
I agree with Sonnie, cant really go wrong with Marantz. Amps really dont get worse with age and 20 years is hardly old for an amp
Thanks guys, that's what I was thinking. Best I can tell it's 100 watts/channel, was looking for more...but the price is right. She claims it's in like new condition. I'll let you know how it turns out.
I'm not familiar with that particular model... but the price!!! Go for it!
I was driving home this morning and the lady called me to see if I could pick up the amp. Of course I said "sure!"



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Sorry for the double pic, can't seem to remove it! Anyway this lady tells me this was left over from her first marriage and has been boxed up since then. He was into very much into music and bought this amp. She was tired of storing it and was happy to get rid of it. I told her I was happy to get it! Now to see how it sounds.
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Did you get it hooked up?
Sorry guys, have been too busy, this weekend I hope. My problem is that now, there are 2 Emotiva 1000 watt monoblocks for $800 ($400 each--that's a deal). Rates them as "used/like new," and in the pictures they look pristine! I just don't have $800 right now! Probably more amp than I need any way.
Hey Sonnie, didn't you have a pair of these Emotiva monoblocks back in the day? How did you like them? Could you tell any difference with music? Just curious.