For the calculation of the divider I considered the measurement of the distortion at the level of maximum output power. In our case the maximum power was 150W which on 8 ohm corresponds to a voltage of about 35Veff while the maximum level accepted by a sound card has been set at 1Veff therefore the 2.2Kohm and 82Kohm partition guarantees that at the maximum power the input voltage the sound card is less than the expected maximum level. with 35 Veff the input level to the sound card is 0.91Veff .
Hi Antonio
I still can not understand how to calculate the final resistor value of the divider, cause my basic knowledge is poor.
Cause the structure of divider in the circuit looks different with that in the picture of online divider calculator.
This below is the divider in the circuit:
This below is the divider in the online calculator:
For me,they are different. Should I just leave the online calculator away?