My Audiolense Experience (JBL M2)

Wow! quite a change. Could you show the step response before plot?
Did you try to watch vidoe with these filters. Youtube/Netflix? are there lipsync issues?

You may find what you’re looking for in the video in post #8. The analysis of @jtwrace M2s starts at 1hr 10min in. Step responses and impulse responses are shown. It’s a great overview of audiolense workflow too.
Yeah I saw it already. This video is what ignited my curiosity with Audiolense.
Yeah I saw it already. This video is what ignited my curiosity with Audiolense.
Given the very little risk, I'd give a try! :)
Pretty excited I finally got shipping info for my (2) Rythmik F18's.
I changed the rear subs and got this result measured at the listening position. :)


Flat below 20hz, looks impressive. @jtwrace did you try any other DSP based RC before diving into Audiolense?
Flat below 20hz, looks impressive. @jtwrace did you try any other DSP based RC before diving into Audiolense?
With this current system, no. It was really between Acourate and Audiolense. Since I used Audiolense previously I figured I'd stick with it for the ease of use.
ease of use.... For the new subs did you calibrate the system yourself or was Mitch needed?
ease of use.... For the new subs did you calibrate the system yourself or was Mitch needed?
I'm a proponent of letting someone do what they do best so I employed Mitch.
I'm a proponent of letting someone do what they do best so I employed Mitch.
The question is if you will be able to calibrate the next pair of subs/speakers? That kind of shows ease of use over time.
The question is if you will be able to calibrate the next pair of subs/speakers? That kind of shows ease of use over time.
Do I think I could? Sure. Would I? Not if I don't have to. I value my time and quite frankly just getting everything setup and taking quality measurements is a task. My other hobbies take up a bit of time too so in an effort to minimize my tinkering while it's 80*F outside I think I'd pay Mitch. :rofl:
I googled 80degF and it seems like a fun temperature :cool: . For Mitch to do his magic measurements needs to be taken and he does everything remotly or am I missing something? Anyway if you (or someone with less expertise) can do it after the initial calibration then that kind of answeres my questions.
For Mitch to do his magic measurements needs to be taken and he does everything remotely or am I missing something?
Yes, owner takes measurements, sends those to Mitch and he sends back multiple filters to try.