My REW Measurement Files


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Nov 13, 2022
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New to REW.
My 29 x 23 x 10 room has reflections I'd like to reduce.
What do these measurements tell you about my music listening room.
The files are main L,R stereo only, no sub.
Thanks for any help.


Something odd happened in the first measurement causing a glitch around 600 Hz, a dropout, perhaps.

Room looks generally well behaved, don't see any particular reflections of concern but there does seem to be too much energy in the 550 - 950 Hz region, if that is the case for other measurements near the listening position it might sound better if that was pulled down.
From my novice read, my decay times in the Midrange is ~500ms when 250-300ms is closer to ideal.
I can hear it as blurring some micro detail in midrange. I have compared songs in a more damped room and the sound is 'smaller', more intimate, whereas in my room, it is a bit more 'wall of sound'-ish.
Attached is a picture of the equipment side of my room. Note the 83" TV is frame by glass.
To reduce this delay, would replacing the glass with a, say, 6' x 10' rock wool* panel significantly help?
Is it possible to be this discrete in improving a room's characteristics?
* I just read rock wool doesn't help much below 1k ?


  • TV Glass Relections.jpg
    TV Glass Relections.jpg
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Any additional wide band and bass absorption will help... And some mild EQ as John suggests above... I see you have a subwoofer, so you might run your speakers as Large (full range) and _blend_ the subwoofer with some overlap above where your speakers bass falls off... Not knowing which Magicos you have I can only guess that they go down into the mid 20Hz...

I used to put a GIK Art wide band absorber in front of my TY when listening to music... See my AV Showcase for a photo of the acoustic panel with some custom art on it... Yes, it made a difference...
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Is doing so on the wall behind the speakers, as pictured, replacing the green glass,a reasonable next step?
I understand there is art with science when working a "living" room.
*The sub is not incorporated in the stereo 2 ch L,R listening I am trying to improve. (I run the sub with 4.1 HT, but I don't much care how it sounds! )
The removal of reflective surfaces, when reasonable, will help... The addition of wide band and bass absorbers when reasonable will help... The only way you will know if removing the glass and adding an absorber in its place will make much difference would be to try it... Measure before and after... Will that modification get your RT60 down to your goal, probably not... You will need more wide band and base absorbers...

The Arqen website has a wealth of information if you choose to learn... Grab a copy of Master Handbook of Acoustics by F. Alton Everest & Ken C. Pohlmann... You can probably find a old copy on the web somewhere as a pdf... Google is your frenemy...
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Helpful, thank you all.
I'm going to order some panels and play with them.