New UMIK-1 Calibration FIles


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Jan 19, 2021
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EVGA NU Audio PRO 7.1
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Emotiva XPA5 GEN2
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EVGA NU Audio PRO 7.1
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PC BD PLayer
Front Speakers
Martin Logan ESL
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Martin Logan EM C2
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Martin Logan FX2
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Logitech One
Has anyone else checked for an updated calibration files from MiniDSP for thier UMIK-1. I found that my UMIK-1 had new calibration files and I loaded it in to REW. Now my UMIK-1 reads 5dBs lower than the last cal file. I am wondering if this is correct?

I have attached both calibration files for review.


Yes, in the past there had been an error with some calibration files and the issue has been corrected by miniDSP so that it can happen that the new cal file is different
Yes, in the past there had been an error with some calibration files and the issue has been corrected by miniDSP so that it can happen that the new cal file is different
Any idea when this change happened? If I downloaded this month do I need to check?
Hi, can I ask how it is you knew it was an updated file please? thanks.
What is the difference between the two files, one being labelled OLD? How do I know which to use? Thanks.
I just checked the files for my UMIK-1 and in my case too the currently available calibration files are different from what I originally downloaded after purchase.

Thanks very kmartinka for calling this to attention.
Thanks for this information, I have just downloaded my new calibration files which have different Sensitivity Factors, so now I know all my previous measurements were 3dB out! I am glad the frequency response is the same.
Sens Factor old = -1.359dB
Sens Factor new =1.641dB
A dumb question. If the number of the file hasn’t changed, does that mean I have the current file? I heard about a new file but when I entered my serial number, the file number is the same number I currently have.
Not dumb at all!
Its is confusing, but the file name numbers are still the same, just the Sensitivity factor has been changed by 3dB in my files, maybe this is the same for all of them.
The only way to know if you have the latest version of your file is to download it again. (I renamed the old ones first so I didn't overwrite them). Then you can compare the new with the old to see the differences.
Thank you very much. I went ahead and deleted my original files, replacing them with the currently available version. Someone needs to do better with the file naming convention. I just wanted to determine if I needed to run REW again.
Thank you!!! Now using the updated file.
Old file spec: Sens Factor =-.176dB New file: Sens Factor =2.824dB at 0 and 90 degrees.
Frequency cal the same.
Has anyone else checked for an updated calibration files from MiniDSP for thier UMIK-1. I found that my UMIK-1 had new calibration files and I loaded it in to REW. Now my UMIK-1 reads 5dBs lower than the last cal file. I am wondering if this is correct?

I have attached both calibration files for review.
Thanks for bringing this to attention.
I downloaded the cal files again today and the old one read "Sens Factor =-0.168dB" the new one "Sens Factor =2.832dB".
Luckily the curve has not changed, but the change solves a mystery about SPL readings not matching between the UMIK and another calibrated microphone.