Newbie. One set of measurements and now nothing


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Sep 10, 2017
I am using UMIK with MacBook Air via firewire to HDMI out into Trinnov altitude. I entered mic file, made a few sets of measurements and them moved the mic. Now sound level is too low to read and I only hear sound out of 1 speaker. In Mac preferences I see output as only internal speakers listed with UMIK as input. I have tried unplugging everything with same results.

I'm stumped. How do I troubleshoot/fix this issue?

If the HDMI cable is disconnected it would no longer be available in REW, whether it comes back on reconnection depends on how the JavaSound implementation deals with that in OS X. Easiest thing to try is quit REW, make sure all your connections are made, make sure the connector is firmly pushed into the back of the UMIK, start REW up again and reselect the input and out devices and inputs/outputs.
I ordered another thunderbolt to hdmi adapter. That is the most likely culprit.