No acoustic reference with new windows Java driver

Andre Newman

New Member
Thread Starter
Jul 14, 2017
I recently updated to V5.20.13 and wanted to try the new java audio driver in windows.

Mostly it works well, no clicks and crunches like I got from time to time with flexasio, so far so good, I can access and play sweeps to all 8 HDMI channels. However I can't get an acoustic timing reference to work, I can select a channel for timing ref but when the sweep starts there's no squeak and REW just waits forever.

I confirmed I can play a sweep or generator signals to the SBR channel I usually use for timing, that works, REW can send to the channel when used as a normal source, also confirms my amplifier is turned on and speaker connected....
I tried using L or R for timing, still no squeak. I tried to adjust the level of the timing signal but still no squeak.

I reverted to previous REW build I was using, 5.20.9 and flexasio of course and everything works as before with SBR as timing.

Is there some new setting I can't find, or is there an issue with REW generating the ref squeak with the new java driver? Google doesn't find anyone else with the same problem, so I'm posting here.
No known issues generating the timing reference. If when you measure the speaker used as the timing reference you hear the rest of the sweep and are only missing the initial timing reference it might be there is some delay in the AV processor that discards the early part of the signal. The V5.20.14 early access build has an option to "fill silence with dither" which might help with that.
Probably unrelated, but just wanted to mention that my Outlaw 976 does a short "fade in" very time audio starts, so a combination of "fill silence with dither" and a 1 second delay on sweep start solved that 9/10 times.
Thanks, I hadn't thought about lock on time.
I'll try the early release, my processor (HTP-1) is known to be slow to lock on to an audio signal so that seems a likely cause.
I got change to try with V5.20.14 early release and fill silence with dither fixed it, I tried a delay but that didn't seem to make any difference.

Much appreciated.