Official Eclectic Music Video Thread

Reminds me of this...

This one is fun!

I’m speechless:
oh man.. back to the 80s.. lol.
I absolutely love this entire album, and this video project has made it even more fun!

Pro Tip: If you ride a bike, or a spin bike, put this on next time you ride for one sho-huff workout.
Really? Do tell!
The second guy in that video, and the last guy in that video are originally from a band called Towncrier, they were on the same indie label as a band I was in, and some other friends. I did a DVD for them that was never released, but rumor has it, it is being up-converted to HD and may see the light of day. ;)


What do you play?

What do you play?

My primary instrument is guitar, but I played drums in the band I mentioned in that last post. I also play bass, and I can hack out some basics on a keyboard if I have to. :)
I'm impressed. I gave guitar a try for a few years... eventually hit a roadblock where my fingers couldn't do what was needed to be done.

Sure wish I had continued to progress!
I started when I was 14. Let's just say I've been playing at various levels for "decades." It was my primary source of income for a couple years. I've recorded in some legendary studios, played some legendary stages, played with legendary artists.

Now I have some stuff in my basement and still write songs with my former bandmates occasionally via the internet. We are now spread out between Iowa, Dallas, Nashville, and LA.
For the lolz...
Oh you want mashups? This is better than EITHER original.

Or, the greatest mashup artist of all time.

OK, only 5 min. in, imma have to agree with that assessment.

If you are a bicyclist, or if you ride the spin bikes at the gym, this album is the perfect workout.
Or, Something older... - Spike Jones. Dinner music for people who aren't very hungry.

A bit long but a classic!

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