One Great Person!


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Jun 20, 2017
Name one great (important, significant, successful) person and tell why they are great? Thank you!
Julius Caesar
- Fixed the calendar. Caesar set alternating months of 30 and 31 days with February at 29 days and adding an extra day every four years.
- Published the first daily Political news sheet so that people knew what happened in the senate.
- Established a police force to combat the high crime rate that was seen in Rome at the time.
- Ended the Republic and helped establish the foundation for the Roman Empire.
- To deal with widespread unemployment, he offered people jobs in public works.
- He also brought about a permanent law against extortion.
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Thank you for your comment. I forgot to mention I am doing this for one of my classes.
Best of luck to you. I think Caesar would be a great person to add for your discussion. Not only a great military leader but also a great political leader..