Paramount+: Mayor of Kingstown


AV Addict
Thread Starter
Apr 4, 2017
Empire, MN
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Pioneer VSX-832
Streaming Subscriptions
HBO Max, YouTubeTV, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+
Front Speakers
Definitive Technology Studio Monitor 55s
Center Channel Speaker
Definitive Technology CS8040
Surround Back Speakers
Definitive Technology DI6.5R
Other Speakers
Apple TV 4K
Video Display Device
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony 650

The story is set within the town of Kingstown, which just so happens to have 7 prisons housing 20,000 inmates within a 10 mile radius. Obviously it’s a crime thriller. And I’m 4 episodes in and enjoying it quite a bit. Jeremy Renner is the main character, the mayor if you will, who’s constantly on the move solving problems for the guards, police, gangs, etc. My only reservation to this is that it is a Taylor Sheridan project and his work tends to fade for me. So far though, this one seems to break his cowboy mold.
Season 2 of this series has already started. May be the last season in light of Jeremy Renner’s accident.

Season 2 does not disappoint! I was trying to figure out how they'd have a season 3 but it appears Jeremy Renner will make a full recovery from the snowplow accident.