Peak impulse response far to the right


Thread Starter
Feb 3, 2025
I am measuring raw speaker drivers in a cabinet, taking 0-180 degrees in 20 degree increments. I am following the VituixCAD guidelines and have Left side default width 2ms and Right side default width 5ms. Up until about 120 to 140 degrees everything works fine. In the screenshot below at 100 degrees off-axis you can see the peak impulse at 0.12ms indicated by the Ref marker as well as shown in the IR Windows menu box.


At 120 degrees, when I display the impulse I don't see the window or Ref markers. But in the IR Windows menu box I can see the Ref marker (blue circle) is actually at 16.1ms, far to the right.


When I zoom out (image below), I can see that in fact my global peak impulse response is far to the right at 16ms.
1) I am assuming that this is actually correct and may be some reflections of the cabinet after exceeding 90 degrees off-axis. If this looks completely wrong, what would be causing this?
2) Assuming it is correct, is there a way to automatically restrict the marker placement to be within a certain ms of zero so that it would not select the actual global peak far to the right?
3) If not an easy automatic fix, I can always manually review the IR and manually select the first peak. In this case, where the IR first dips and then reaches the peak, would I manually select the first minima or the first peak (yellow arrows in the image above)?


Thanks for any advice!
Select your 0 degree measurement and then use the "Apply windows to all" button on the IR windows dialog to ensure all use those settings.
Window reference time location is set by the largest peak in the recording. When the speaker is pointed towards a wall, a reflection may be of higher amplitude. This is normal. Follow measurement instructions for VituixCAD, set your window correctly on 0deg measurement, then apply to all.
Window reference time location is set by the largest peak in the recording. When the speaker is pointed towards a wall, a reflection may be of higher amplitude. This is normal. Follow measurement instructions for VituixCAD, set your window correctly on 0deg measurement, then apply to all.

Thanks both!! I have always set the timing window based on 0-deg and applied to all, so this has probably happened many times and I just hadn't noticed. This time I saw the weird results and panicked. :)