replacement power amp

Michael Scott

Partner / Reviewer
Thread Starter
Apr 4, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Yamaha TRS-7850 Atmos Receiver
Other Amp
Peavy IPR 3000 for subs
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB820 4K UHD Player
Front Speakers
Cheap Thrills Mains
Center Channel Speaker
Cheap Thrills Center
Surround Speakers
Volt 10 Surrounds
Surround Back Speakers
Volt 10 Rear Surrounds
Rear Height Speakers
Volt 6 Overheads
2x Marty subs (full size with SI 18's)
Video Display Device
Sony 85 inch X950H FALD TV
I know this MIGHT be a bit more geared towards the receiver/amp section of the forum, but since it's attached for a couple of DIY subs, I figured I'd ask here.

I have a couple of the ORIGINAL Martysubs (like me, Marty and another guy built ours the same week as we designed it lol) using two of the Stereo Integrity HT-18 inch drivers (can never remember if I used the D2's or the D4's, but they're wired so that each sub is powered off of one channel of my amp in 4 ohm mode). Anyways, I have a Peavey IPR 3000 (og) that I got used back in 2013 to power them, and I think it's starting to die. Randomnly powers and on really quickly during a movie and the frequency is increasing as time goes on. I figure it's time to grab a new amp anyways so I go to Amazon and see what they have in that range. Shock me sideways, NONE of the amps I knew about back in the day are around anymore. The NU3000's from Behringer and the new Behringers that LOOK like the NU series are like $600 (when did Behringer amps go above $300-$399!!??)....

basically since I've not been researching good amps for the last 7-8 years, what amps are the go to amps to power subs like these. The IPR 3000 runs about 840 Watts (both channels driven, the specs and the real world results come pretty close to that) per channel and I want to get something about that range.

I liked my Peavey IPR 3000, and I remember the IPR2 had just been released when I grabbed mine used from an AVS member, but don't know what the modern day equivalents are. Would like on with built in DSP if I can help it (am running the low voltage MiniDSP right now and while it's functional, I really wish I had gotten the beefier one with better input sensitivity )
Wow... that is insane. I haven't long purchased a pair of EP4000's for $315 each... now they are $498. I'm a huge fan of the Behringer as it was tested at about 2,000 watts into 4 ohms bridged, so it has plenty of power.

yeah, I nearly choked. And I'm shocked that the EP4000 is even back on the market. Back in 2013 the EP4000 was discontinued for the Inuke 3000 (and of course the Inuke 6000 which is nothing but two Inuke 3000's bridged inside of a new case)... and back then an Inuke 3000 was $299 and the 600 was $399. I took one look on amazon and nearly choked as it looks like the 3000 and 6000 were rebadged as the NX3000 and NX6000 and go for almost $600 for the DSP variants. Even then, you can only find them by third party sellers as it looks Behringner discontinued THOSE as well!!

just not sure what companies modesl are current or not. I love my PEAVEY IPR 3000, but it's 8 years old from when I got it, and it was a used model when I got it back then even.
Berry's are still your best bet for value. I like Crown and Crest myself. Crowns can be found for bargains and I have bought used Crest 7200, 8200 and 9200 over the years. But new its hard to beat the Berry price even at its higher price. HT18 pair would go well with a Crown 2500 or inuke 3000 or ep4000.
yeah, I like Crown's too. They'r not the greatest and Crest is most CERTAINLY better, but they do well. My only complaint with Crown is they include a DSP, but only allow a 50hz crossover. Even if they dropped it to 20 I'd be a fan. and the 2500 series is still being made? dang, those are older class D amps but they always work.

the berry's were always good, but I can't tell what the newest models are. I looked and the NX3000 and NX6000 (and of course the DSP models) replaced the Inukes, but they SEEM to be discontinued (can't tell)... but the ancient EP4000 is actually being sold again or am I going crazy? I thought the Inuke and NX series replaced those almost a decade ago. But hey, if they're bringing them back that would be great. the EP4000 was always the best amp they made.

I WILL have to probably replace my minidsp 2x4 that I have. It's the 10 year old one that has the 0.9 Vrrms output, and the EP4000 isn't as low sensitivity as my Peavey (it has a 0.775 Vrms drive rate, which is why I didn't get the other Minidsp at the time). I see that Minidsp has replaced it with a version B that has 2 Vrms output, which would give more output to drive the amp to max than the old 0.9 one....