REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

@BJB Thats what leads me to believe its on denon's side. Everything worked fine on old laptop mid 2020.Then Upgraded surround speakers 7 or so months later thats when problem started. just bought new laptop about a month ago and still having the same problem.
Using a rear panel HDMI input on the Denon? Front panel ports often have reduced functionality.
Using a rear panel HDMI input on the Denon? Front panel ports often have reduced functionality.
Thank you for checking john. I have tried different ports on denon and laptop even with a usb-c to hdmi adapter on the other side of laptop instead of dedicated hdmi. When this originally worked it was from the front port on denon and it auto labeled itself as 9xxxx if that helps. I really do appreciate your time and if you wish to further investigate please compile a list of any info you need from my system and I will get it for you. Thanks
Thanks for all the help here.

It has taken a while but have now tried the OEM Lenovo adapter. Same 11 can send 7.1 test tones to Denon receiver and receiver plays the tones through each speaker. Music plays etc.

However REW when using Java and the EXCL Denon does not output any audio. I tried the older REW version and the latest.

When using the regular Denon (non EXCL) I can get stereo left and right test sweeps. So REW is working and audio is getting through....just not 5.1 or 7.1 with REW.

Just going to go back to old windows 10 pc with HDMI that takes 10 minutes to boot
Thanks again for the assistance,
Just came looking for a solution to exactly the same issue.
Win 11, Dell XPS laptop, USB to HDMI adapter, can play multi-channel audio from JRiver through HDMI to my Arcam but REW does not output any sound in 7.1 mode, only stereo.
Did you find a solution?
Actually a little more persistence and I have it working.
Using REW 5.20.13 (AFAIK currently the latest) , and FlexASIO 1.9
Tried Java but although I am presented with the 7.1 outputs I actually get no sound.
But using FlexAsio and configuring the HDMI output in Windows Control Panel as a 7.1 device.
I can see the 7.1 outs and play signals to them using the ASIO driver.