REW Beta Release REW API beta releases

Feature request: Please add support for M-noise !
It's a really great way to test modern systems that have a DSP compressor, putting devices that don't have a DSP on a level playing field with those who do. It enables to fully asses the linear range of a speaker system when listening to a high crest-factor source (ie. most music).
There are links in the YT video description below for all of the 9.1.6 channel (Dolby Atmos lossless TrueHD) M-Noise tracks in both mkv and wav format .REW SPL meter can measure (and log) them.

You will also find 9.1.6 lossless 1M length 0-24kHz "playback from file" REW measurement sweeps along with the reference file
A nice option in REW would be to assign files to speakers for testing. So, if you have Dolby Atmos test files on your PC you could associate those channels with that file.

So, if you wanted to sweep the left channel with file selected, when you press start, the file for the left channel would play using your default player, say VLC.

You could have 16 or more associated channels, and you have to assign each of those channels a file, that corresponds to that channel. That file would then auto-play using VLC Player.

This would be a nice quality of life change.
Builds updated today (beta 22) with these changes:
  • Added: Offset t=0 for a measurement on impulse overlay shifts the trace live as well as showing the phase impact
  • Added: RT60 export includes full bandwidth (unfiltered) results
  • Added: Virtual balanced input on the Soundcard preferences has a sum/diff mode selection to control whether the balanced input is added or subtracted
  • Added: A measurement can be set as a reference for other selected measurements on the All SPL and Overlay SPL graphs
  • Added: The SPL & phase and the Impulse graphs have actions to set t=0 at the IR peak and to set t=0 at the IR peak and also update the Measure dialog timing offset accordingly
  • Added: API has a command to generate RT60 data for a measurement and endpoints to read RT60 results and the RT60 filter settings last used
  • Added: API requests for impulse response data can include the sample rate for the data
  • Added: API endpoints in measurements to retrieve distortion data
  • Changed: Replaced the measurement list with a new version that better supports drag and drop and offers multiple selection, cut and paste keyboard shortcuts (when the list has focus) and filtering
  • Changed: Overlays have a new way of selecting what measurements appear on them, a condensed version of the new measurements list
  • Changed: Measurements list and overlay selector list have right click menus for common measurement actions
  • Changed: Actions panels have been replaced by right click menus for graphs for quicker access to the actions
  • Changed: API name for percent axis is "percent" rather than the % symbol
  • Fixed: The effect of the API flag for normalised data on impulse response requests was inverted
  • Fixed: Scope channel setting dialog was blank after exporting data
  • Fixed: Stepped sine THD results were limited to the 9th harmonic even if data was captured up to 50th harmonic
  • Fixed: Division of imported responses with an upper limit could generate an array index out of bounds
  • Fixed: The Remove all confirmation could get stuck behind other windows

This build has substantial changes to the user interface, with the aim of speeding up access to measurement actions, making it easier to manage large lists of measurements and simplifying selection of measurements to appear on overlays.

Thanks go to @Cristianolo for the suggestions that prompted me to think about this, and to @serko70 for patiently testing many development builds and suggesting improvements.

It is worth browsing the updated measurements panel help and overlays help to get an overview of the changes. If in doubt, try right click :)
Stopped working:
- The graph can be moved by pressing the right mouse button and dragging
- Variable zoom is available by pressing and holding the right mouse button, then while the right button is down pressing the left button, then drag the mouse

In the Overlays, Impuls, set t=0 window, only the very first graph always moves. Even if it was moved in the main window. Others don't move. Even if the first one is turned off, the second one becomes first, but does not move.
Stopped working:
- The graph can be moved by pressing the right mouse button and dragging
- Variable zoom is available by pressing and holding the right mouse button, then while the right button is down pressing the left button, then drag the mouse

In the Overlays, Impuls, set t=0 window, only the very first graph always moves. Even if it was moved in the main window. Others don't move. Even if the first one is turned off, the second one becomes first, but does not move.
It's not always the first graph, it's the response selected in SPL & Phase and will show a blue tag in Overlays window:

it's the response selected in SPL & Phase and will show a blue tag in Overlays window:
No. This does not depend on the choice of graph in the SPL & Phase window. Which graph will move depends on the graph on which the cursor is hovered in the overlays, impuls window, and the right mouse button is pressed.
In the Overlays, Impuls, set t=0 window, only the very first graph always moves. Even if it was moved in the main window. Others don't move. Even if the first one is turned off, the second one becomes first, but does not move.
The measurement to adjust is selected by right clicking on that measurement in the list. You don't have to close the Offset t=0 window if it is already open.
The measurement to adjust is selected by right clicking on that measurement in the list. You don't have to close the Offset t=0 window if it is already open.
When I right-click over one of the graphs, a huge menu opens, which is confusing, because I want to select one of the graphs, and not an action with it.
When REW is running, I highlight the measurement file in Explorer and drag it into the program window. If I go to the list area on the left side of the main window, a minus sign appears, preventing me from opening the measurement I was dragging. Then I need to drag the Explorer window so that the area to the right appears, and repeat the drag to open it.
By "Graphs" do you mean entries in the list of overlay measurements? Those are selected by a left click, and deselected by another left click. Left click and drag selects a range.
If I go to the list area on the left side of the main window, a minus sign appears, preventing me from opening the measurement I was dragging.
The list area allows drag and drop within the list, not from outside. Drag onto the graph area.
The measurement to adjust is selected by right clicking on that measurement in the list. You don't have to close the Offset t=0 window if it is already open.
I hovered the cursor in the overlays, impuls window over the list of loaded measurements and right-clicked on one of the measurements. A large window with a menu appeared, in it I selected offset t=0. I moved the graph as needed and, without closing the t=0 adjustment window, I want to select another graph from the list on the left. To do this I have to hover over it and press the right mouse button. He will be selected. But a large window will also appear with options for actions (for example, offset t=0, and other actions). I moved the second graph, moving on to the third. And again, by right-clicking on it in the list, I select it and at the same time a large action window opens. But I don't need to select actions, I only need to select the next graph.

Also, after moving to the next graph adjustment, the current adjustment is reset. If you don't click Apply. It seems that REW used to remember the last position without pressing Apply.
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I want to select another graph from the list on the left. To do this I have to hover over it and press the right mouse button. He will be selected. But a large window will also appear with options for actions (for example, offset t=0, and other actions).
Yes. In principle I could force the user to select Offset t=0 again, but as a convenience the adjustment window automatically selects the new measurement. I don't think the right click could only change measurement as the user may wish to take some other action on the selected measurement. Adjustments that have not been applied cannot be left hanging, so they will be reset to allow the adjustment window to be used with the new measurement. The alternative is to force the adjustment window to close each time.
When REW is running, I highlight the measurement file in Explorer and drag it into the program window. If I go to the list area on the left side of the main window, a minus sign appears, preventing me from opening the measurement I was dragging.
I've made a change for the next build so that the measurement lists will also accept dropped files.
I don't think the right click could only change measurement as the user may wish to take some other action on the selected measurement.
Usually right-clicking brings up a menu. But not a choice of anything. If the t=0 setting window is open, the user is going to configure t=0. Can the selection of another measurement with the t=0 settings window open be left behind the left mouse click? And when the t=0 settings window is closed, return the left click to its previous action. Or is this even more confusing?
Thanks for adding the function of moving an impulse relative to other impulses in the Overlays window.
Offer. During this adjustment, a phase window appears at the bottom. It seems to me that this is necessary to adjust t=0 in the main window on the impulse tab. But in the Overlays window this is of little use. If, instead of the phase, you could see how the step response graph of the selected measurement moves relative to others (that is, a mini window overlays, step response), it would be very interesting and useful.
For the t=0 adjustment it is probably better if I add Apply & Next and Apply & Prev buttons to the window.

Step responses would just move by the same amount as the impulse responses. I could add a t=0 adjustment for the step overlay?
Only started testing this now...

I am unable to create an RMS average and get the ff. report:

REW V5.40 Beta 22 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_402 64-bit on Windows 10 Locale: language en, keyboard US, windows-1252 at 96 DPI Running in C:\Program Files\REW

java.lang.Error: Cannot call invokeAndWait from the event dispatcher thread
Stack Trace:
Cannot call invokeAndWait from the event dispatcher thread
java.awt.EventQueue$ Method)$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege($JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(
java.awt.EventQueue$ Method)$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(


Vector averaging works fine, though.

Anyone has a clue how to fix it?
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Builds updated today (beta 23) with these changes:
  • Added: Impulse and phase overlay graphs have an Offset t=0 action in their right click menu
  • Changed: Offset t=0 window for overlays has "Apply & prev" and "Apply & next" buttons to step through the measurements
  • Changed: The measurements lists will accept files dropped on them
  • Fixed: Restored variable zoom feature for graphs (via right click then left click)
  • Fixed: Generating an average caused an error