REW hints and tips

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Hi John,

Wondering if you can help with two questions:

1) how to include the room resonances from the Room Sim window when I am setting EQ filters in the EQ window. Does that happen automatically. I can see "resonances" is grayed out on the menu below the graph. See photo 1.

Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 1.31.25 PM.png

2) I have noticed that adding a room curve with 2 db of bass boost gives a very different EQ target curve compared with 3 or 4 db. But also does not add a filter to address that dip at about 46 Hz. Any ideas how to address that? See photo 2.

Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 1.39.26 PM.png

Thank you!

The predicted modal frequencies can be shown by entering the room dimensions in the Modal Analysis section and selecting Show modal frequencies in the graph controls.

REW can also analyse the impulse response and detect resonances within it, for that use the "Find resonances" action in the Modal Anlysis section. It will populate the Resonances section with those it finds and any you select from the list will be shown on the EQ graph. Multiple selections can be made. There's more about that in the EQ window help.
Sorry AJ, the forum resource manager is not behaving as it should. I've had to create a new entry for the 32-bit installer here. If you are on a 64-bit machine better using the 64-bit version.
Can I take measurements with the calculated PEQ filters applied?
I would like to see the effect of the filters.
Can I take measurements with the calculated PEQ filters applied?
I would like to see the effect of the filters.
There isn't a feature to measure with filters applied, but the predicted response shown on the Filter Adjust panel and the Predicted graph of the Overlays window is very accurate. To apply filtering through the PC you could use Equalizer APO.

Thank you John for this wonderful software.
I want to ask, if is possible in RTA section to implement an dBr scale?
That could be useful when you make an measurement, and fundamental is at -10 dBFS, for example, and by switching to dBr graph will be scaled to 0dBr (-10dBFS become 0dBr).

Thanks again, best regards!

Edit. nevermind, dBc is what i need. Thank you!
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This may be a dumb question but I'm actually wanting to use REW for something different and want to make sure it this would work. I'm a musician (guitarist and others) doing some studies into overtones and harmonics of an instrument. Either an acoustic instrument and also (and mainly right now more interested in) checking to see how my sustain pedals effect my electric guitar harmonics and overtones over time.

Anyways, instead of room measurement can REW be used for this and or analyzing overtones of an instrument? If so would should I use the microphones recommended by your site or go with an audio interface using a condenser multi - pattern recording microphone?

Thanks for any info you can provide.
Best wishes,
This may be a dumb question but I'm actually wanting to use REW for something different and want to make sure it this would work. I'm a musician (guitarist and others) doing some studies into overtones and harmonics of an instrument. Either an acoustic instrument and also (and mainly right now more interested in) checking to see how my sustain pedals effect my electric guitar harmonics and overtones over time.
You could use REW to analyse audio files you capture and import, but there is other software that is probably better suited, like Sonic Visualiser
I checked them out and it seems like it could work, thanks for the advice. The reason I was looking at your software in particular is the 3D graphing and analysis looks excellent compared to most all other programs. Since they are both free programs would it be a problem to get both and see how they work or would that create problems within my system?
Thanks again.
Fine to use both. For REW you would need to capture some audio and use Import Audio File to analyse it.
It is not a Windows store app, so if there isn't a way to install a desktop application then the answer is probably no.
Is it possible to run REW on a 1st gen Surface tablet?

What exact Surface Model do you have?

I am running REW on a Surface Go and a Surface Book 2.

The Go came in Windows S mode, buy you can, and I did, put it into Windows 10 mode. Post at reddit - r/Surface to get the best help.
What exact Surface Model do you have?

I am running REW on a Surface Go and a Surface Book 2.

The Go came in Windows S mode, buy you can, and I did, put it into Windows 10 mode. Post at reddit - r/Surface to get the best help.
Mine is from 2012... I believe it is called the Surface Rt. From what I have heard it can only rin windows upgrade to a full version of windows. If I could upgrade the OS to Windows I would def try it.
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