REW Nearfield measurment with sub


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Jan 5, 2022
When I was running the measurements the other night there was a brown out or something. ever since then the sub seems off? I thought that since I only measured the driver at 2ohms when it is supposed to be 3.4ohms that it sort of partialy burnt out or something. I am not sure about the ohm reading if it is infact supposed to read 3.4 or if 2 was an ok reading. but I measured my speakers and they measured 7.4 so they where correct which is leading me to believe someting happened to the sub..

I have not been able to fully run the sub through it's paces so it might just be the lower volume causing the issue.


New Member
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Jan 5, 2022
well I think I see what might be going on. I took this on Jan 7 2022:

post this.jpg

Now this was todays after EQ:

1 11 eq curve.jpg

I am thinking with the 1st graph all the above 30hz is really high db wise it is above 90db. with the 2nd is a bit more balanced.. I am thinking maybe before on the 7th it was unbalanced and that is the difference I am hearing??


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Jan 5, 2022
Here they write, your driver is 3.4 Ohm.

Ha. So it was you.
yes I am just wondering if the 2ohm reading was a fault of how I did it or was it the actual reading of the driver?? I measered my speaers and they where 7.4ohms?? I am just wondering if I partialy baked the driver?

Well it appears the ohm reading maybe normal I still am not 100% sure.. but I did run a test on my System and the Bass levels where there and the Sub Amp limiter lit up like a christmas tree.. so I think all is well, I just got to get used to the new balanced levels.. as I was looking at an older graph I did and the Hz from 30-80 was way boosted.. so that is what I probally heard and thought was good..

This Subwoofer is still a monster wish I had kept the other one I had.. 2 would be perfect for this gigantic aspace I have to fill now..

Thank you all, and I think I have a good one now with the Umik was helpfull and I learned alot..


New Member
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Jan 5, 2022
hey I was wondering if a nvidia 630 video card be good for using REW with my Reciever and PC?? I had to sell my 1080GTX and now the PC I have only has 1 hdmi out :(

EDIT: I found a video on how to test the ohms of a driver and I needed to test it from the drivers terminals and screw them down and I finally got a perfect reading of 3.4ohms.. so the driver is not blown..
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