REW SPL meter logging LAeq30min and LCpeak ?


Thread Starter
Jan 15, 2025
Hello, is there a way to log the LAeq 30minutes and LCpeak signals with the SPL meter? So that you can see and save the chart?
In Germany there is a law for measuring ( and logging) these signals at concerts and other venues. It‘s explained in the DIN 15905-5 document since 2009.
There are some programs and measuring-systems available for this like dB-mess, 10EAZY… but they are very expensive and i think that should be no problem to integrate in REW… i would pay for this feature!
The SPL logger lets you log LAeq for the chosen rolling Leq time and LZpk. Adding LCpk would mean running two weighting functions for the data, something that isn't supported.
Hello, thank you for your answear. Is there a chance that running these two weighting functions at the same time will be possible soon?
Best reguards
No, sorry. You could use LZpk to be conservative, since LCpk can never be higher than LZpk.
is there a way to run REW 2 times simultaniously on a MacBook Pro to log the LAeq and LCpeak with one Interface and 1 Mic ?
You can open a second instance from a terminal using

open -n -a

I'm not sure whether both instances would be able to access the same interface, however.
It is running!
2 instances with only one interface and one mic.
Measuring and loggin LAeq30min and LCpeak at the same time!
Great, thank you a lot!