REW Beta Release REW Windows installer with JRE [Deleted]

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Still freezes when i click on to many measurements.
Using Windows 10.
That really doesn't give me much to go on. What do you mean by "Click on too many measurements"? Has anything been captured in the REW log files?
The measurements on the left. When i click on them like 8 times REW freezes.

log file:

lip 21, 2018 3:46:34 PM roomeqwizard.RoomEQ_Wizard main
INFO: REW V5,19 Beta 11 running JRE 1.8.0_162 32-bit on Windows 10
lip 21, 2018 3:46:39 PM roomeqwizard.M A
SEVERE: Unable to initialize libusb
lip 21, 2018 3:46:39 PM com.synthbot.jasiohost.AsioDriver <clinit>
INFO: Loaded jasiohost.dll

When it freezes You cant close it with the x, You have to do it with the windows task manager.
Do any of the other log files show more than that? The directory has logs from the last 10 startups. Can you post a set of measurements that give you that problem? Are you viewing any particular graph when you see the problem?
Hi John, I love this software and thank you for it. There seems to be a bit of a bug in the last 2 releases, for me at least. After using it a bit, taking a measurement or more, using all the main graphs etc, then when I click on the EQ button it just, not sure the right terms, it shows the wait i'm doing it icon but nothing happens, and it stays like that until I do something about it. I'll try to attach the log file for the last time it did it.

(I think it would be swell if one could save different rooms/ settings for...)

thanks again


Hi John, I love this software and thank you for it. There seems to be a bit of a bug in the last 2 releases, for me at least. After using it a bit, taking a measurement or more, using all the main graphs etc, then when I click on the EQ button it just, not sure the right terms, it shows the wait i'm doing it icon but nothing happens, and it stays like that until I do something about it. I'll try to attach the log file for the last time it did it.
Thanks for the report. Bit of a puzzle how that can happen, but I've put some checks in to try and prevent it.

I think it would be swell if one could save different rooms/ settings for...
There is an item on the todo list to allow multiple sets of room setting for the room sim, if that's what you meant.
John Mulcahy updated REW Windows installer with JRE with a new update entry:

V5.19 beta 12 Windows installer with JRE

Small changes in 5.19 beta 12, all being well the last before the 5.19 release.

  • Improved rendering of text on spectrogram graph images when spectrogram floor is filled
  • Small refinement to the IR start detection code
  • Changed delay figure with acoustic timing reference back to using IR start time for limited bandwidth measurements (e.g. subwoofers), retained use of the Estimate IR Delay process otherwise
  • Bug fix: Added checks to try and prevent occasional exception when...

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John Mulcahy updated REW Windows installer with JRE with a new update entry:

V5.20 beta 1 Windows installer with JRE

First beta of V5.20
  • Increased audio data timeouts for macOS to accommodate 10.14 Mojave delays in granting audio access
  • Changed text for checkbox to lock sine gen frequency to RTA FFT length and included the FFT length in the text
  • Added Preferences menu entries to set the REW main window to a selection of predefined sizes
  • Bug fix: If not setting t=0 at IR peak the win ref time was not being reset after estimate IR delay, causing incorrect phase for FDW
  • Bug fix: SPL...

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John Mulcahy updated REW Windows installer with JRE with a new update entry:

REW V5.20 beta 2 Windows installer with JRE

V5.20 beta 2 changes:

  • Gave the signal generator a revamp and added a signal waveform preview
  • Added fade in and fade out controls to the linear and log sweep signals
  • Added AES17-2015 MD and DFD presets to the dual tone signals
  • Changed sig gen level control behaviour for dual tone signals, the level setting now reflects the rms level of the combined signal rather than the rms level of f1
  • Added a selection of multitone test signals
  • Allow RTA lengths up to 1M
  • If the...

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John Mulcahy updated REW Windows installer with JRE with a new update entry:

REW V5.20 beta 3 Windows installer with JRE

V5.20 beta 3
  • Restored 16k and 32k sample rate options for sig gen WAV files and filter impulse response exports
  • Update the sample rate selector when reloading the ASIO driver
  • Added an option to plot distortion harmonics at the harmonic frequency rather than the fundamental frequency
  • Update dBFS scaling for signal generator and RTA when focus leaves the dBFS scale field
  • Restart any ASIO audio I/O after changing input or output channels
  • If a graph capture includes the...

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Thank you for creating software.
I found probably bugs:
1. File is not saved when I try to download Wav file from Pink Noise - all options
2. File is not saved when I try to download Wav file from Period Pink Noise - 999 repeats. Sometime less repeats work.

Do you plan add goals to RTA, like filters example, Linkwitz-Riley 2 and 4? This will be usefulness for car audio?
1. File is not saved when I try to download Wav file from Pink Noise - all options
Yes, reported a couple of days ago. It affects all signals that use the Duration option. Fixed for the next beta.

2. File is not saved when I try to download Wav file from Period Pink Noise - 999 repeats. Sometime less repeats work.
I have fixed that for the next beta, but note that 999 repeats of Pink PN is typically a few hundred MByte file.

Do you plan add goals to RTA, like filters example, Linkwitz-Riley 2 and 4? This will be usefulness for car audio?
You mean target response shapes? No plans for that, but you can import a response shape from a text file as a measurement and it will appear on the RTA if that measurement is selected in the main REW window.
Hi John,
I think I found a bug: I'm creating several measurements and create the average. I can then open the EQ settings, create some filters and save the project. But when I load the project I cannot access the EQ settings for the average curve, I only get a spinning circle, the EQ page is not loading.

best regards,
Good description Bernd, thanks. Think I've fixed that for the next beta but to make sure could you attach an mdat file that shows the problem?
Hi John,
I think I found a bug: I'm creating several measurements and create the average. I can then open the EQ settings, create some filters and save the project. But when I load the project I cannot access the EQ settings for the average curve, I only get a spinning circle, the EQ page is not loading.

best regards,
I'm experiencing similar bugs and more, so I tried to roll back..However, rolling back to beta 2 will not allow me to open the measurement files taken with Beta 3.
There have been changes in the mdat format through the 5.20 beta versions, older REW versions will often not be able to open files from newer versions. If you encounter bugs I'd be grateful if you let me know about them, the sooner I'm aware of them the sooner I can fix them. There will be a beta 4 version soon.
Thanks John!
The level check pink noise sounded corrupted, like it was not true random pink noise but rather digital distortion. I then played pink noise via the generator and it sounded normal.
I went ahead and took measurements of 8 speakers at 3 positions, saved the file, then averaged the positions and saved the averaged positions in a new file.
I then attempted to simulate EQ on the averaged measurements.
I experienced the spinning circle sometimes when trying to go to the EQ simulation screen, but then other times it would load normally. I couldn't see a pattern to when it would vs. when it wouldn't open. However, on those occasions when it did open, there were a few times when I was using the generic EQ and made changes to the EQ gain and the predicted FR would not change. In other words, I could have a band at 1 KHz, Q of 1.4 or so, and take the gain up and down, with no change to the predicted FR curve. Then there were a few times when I had some custom EQ settings loaded, (9 octave spaced bands with fixed Q, starting with 0 dB gain) and I clicked on "optimize gains" and the screen turned light (washed out like it was calculating) but nothing happened. I tried exiting the EQ screen but everything was still washed out and mostly non responsive.
On other occasions, when I wanted to EQ a particular channel, it would open up the wrong channel in the EQ simulator screen. In other words, I'd have the Left channel measurement highlighted, click EQ, and it would open up the Surround Right channel or something like that.
I did end up getting 2 channels EQ'd, but couldn't do the rest.
I tried restarting the laptop, redownloading and reinstalling REW, running CCleaner, etc.
The level check pink noise sounded corrupted, like it was not true random pink noise but rather digital distortion. I then played pink noise via the generator and it sounded normal.
That would be this, from 5.20 beta 2:
  • Switched level checks to using Pink PN instead of random pink noise for faster and more accurate level readings
It is a better way to do it, but it sounds different.
I went ahead and took measurements of 8 speakers at 3 positions, saved the file, then averaged the positions and saved the averaged positions in a new file.
I think that is the same issue as Bernd saw. An exception could occur if the measurement being EQ'd did not have an impulse response, after that behaviour would be unpredictable. Fix implemented for the next beta.
John Mulcahy updated REW Windows installer with JRE with a new update entry:

REW V5.0 beta 4 Windows installer with JRE

Changes in V5.20 beta 4:
  • When measurements with distortion data are averaged using (A+B)/2 or Vector average their distortion data is also averaged, providing the measurements were made at the same sample rate and with the same sweep or stepped sine settings
  • Added a Window function setting for the tone burst generator with a range of window types
  • Reduced memory use and file size for sweep measurements
  • Added Float as a format for exported WAV files
  • Additional text for...

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Yes, reported a couple of days ago. It affects all signals that use the Duration option. Fixed for the next beta.

I have fixed that for the next beta, but note that 999 repeats of Pink PN is typically a few hundred MByte file.

You mean target response shapes? No plans for that, but you can import a response shape from a text file as a measurement and it will appear on the RTA if that measurement is selected in the main REW window.

Sorry for delay. Yes. Target response Butterworth, Linkwitz, Bessel.... Will be useful for Car Audio measurements.
Sometimes, I use Wav file from CD, to RTA measurements. I looping small file.
Good description Bernd, thanks. Think I've fixed that for the next beta but to make sure could you attach an mdat file that shows the problem?

Hi John,
sorry, I was not online for some days. Just downloaded beta 4 and the problem is solved, I can open my old project and open the EQ page for the avarage measurement.
Thanks for fixing this so quickly.
One question: is there already a way to use a filter set for the measurement ? So that I can see the result of my correction ?
Or are you planning to add this in the future ?

best regards,
One question: is there already a way to use a filter set for the measurement ? So that I can see the result of my correction ?
The corrected trace is shown on the EQ window as "Predicted" and as a predicted waterfall. It can also be seen in the Overlays window on the Predicted SPL and Predicted Phase graphs. Is that what you meant? Besides that the filter settings can be exported as a text file (which can be used by EqualizerAPO, for example), as biquad coefficients which can be used by miniDSP products or entered manually in an equaliser. In the latter case the equaliser should be selected from the options offered in the EQ window to ensure the settings are compatible as equalisers vary in the way they treat Q or bandwidth parameters.
no, the prediction is fine. I mean activating the filters for the testsignal so that REW can be used to measure the effect of the filters. This will differ from the prediction due to crossfeed effects if you measure both speakers.
Currently I have to use Carma (from Audionet) which requires to play a testsignal from any player. Here I can use e.g. foobar and load the filters created with REW (convolution). Then I can measure the corrected system and the result is mostly different from the prediction.
Would be cool to do that within REW. If that makes sense...
That has come up in discussion a few times over the years. Another way to do it would be to export the Filter set impulse response, import it as a measurement and then use the A*B trace arithmetic to apply it to the measurements of interest. A trace arithmetic feature to apply a filter set to a group of measurements might be handy.
John Mulcahy updated REW Windows installer with JRE with a new update entry:

REW V5.20 beta 5 Windows installer with JRE

V5.20 beta 5 changes:

  • Revised the EQ target setting panel to better explain the target types and separate the room curve controls, which can be separately enabled/disabled
  • Expanded EQ target selections, added a Driver target with LP and HP crossover filter selections, added a check box to enable/disable room curve settings
  • Added a "Speaker driver" target type with configurable low and high pass crossover filter responses
  • Added LP1 and HP1 filter types to the Generic...

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