Much lower distortion in these measurements so level looks better.
The only measurement showing 'true' levels is the Bass measurement, all the other measurements were made with no input device/input selection, which means REW can't access the input volume control and so can't use the mic cal file sensitivity data to show the correct SPL. Judging by the Bass measurement the others are 14.7 dB higher than they should be so I adjusted them accordingly, assuming the volume setting stayed the same. Make sure the input device, input, output device and output always have the devices you are using selected and are not left as default.
I changed the measurement names to show what was measured, you can change the name by typing a new name into the box.
The "Bass" measurement looks more like a left + right measurement, only the left+right+bass measurement looks to have more low end.
Looks like for some of the measurements the mic was placed exactly half way along the length, that means it will not see the odd order length modes so the measurement will be missing those resonances. Same applies to width modes if it is exactly centred on width. Best making measurements in a variety of positions in the space.
The room is nearly square, so the width and length modes are close together making them more pronounced. You will need some narrow EQ filters to pull down the peaks at the low end so they are more in line with the trend of the main response, but measurements in a range of positions will be needed to figure out a compromise setting for the EQ cuts.
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