Some guides to REW and acoustic measurement

Is this the option you're talking? It looks like it's enabled. I don't see an option for enhancements.

It's interesting that even in this menu I have only 2 channels for testing.


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That option is enabled. Apps are allowed to control the AVR. There is no option for enhancements. The laptop is connected to the back of the AVR.

I tried to play a movie of HBO max on my laptop. The sound passed to the AVR was stereo too. It looks like it might be an issue with my Acer laptop.
That does seem to imply only stereo is supported, either limited by the laptop driver or the port you're connected to on the AVR, but I meant go to the Sound control panel. In System>Sound (one menu level up from your screenshot), if you scroll down, under Advanced, there should be a "More sound settings" that should bring up the Sound control panel, or you can search for "Control Panel", bring that up, and then click on Sound. Then right-click on the Denon-AVR device and select Properties. Look for an Advanced tab, where there should be an Exclusive Mode section with "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device", and an Enhancements tab. But probably more important now, look at the Supported Formats tab and see what it shows for Max Number of Channels.
OK, found it. There is a configuration window where I can choose the audio channels setup. When I test the center speaker I get sound only through it. However, when I go back to REW I still get stereo sound and no center channel sound.
I tried to play Dune on the laptop and I got 7.1 surround sound. So now, I'm not convinced is the laptop anymore.
BTW, the enhancements are set off too.


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Can you generate a debug log file using -DcsjsoundLibLogLevel=debug as you've done in the past, and upload it?
I have to take something back. When I play the movie on the laptop, I actually get sound only through the towers and the sub. I got confused because the svs app was showing multi channel input. So maybe it's a decoder issue? When I tested the center channel in the configuration window I heard sound through the center channel.
and play it using Windows Media Player, and see if you correctly hear output from each of the 7.1 speakers.

Edit: Make sure Windows is configured for 7.1, and check what input signal the Denon reports while playing the clip.
When I play the wav file I get sound through each speaker, one at a time. Denon was showing 7.1 input.

I'll try to get a log file, if not today then tomorrow.
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Can you generate a debug log file using -DcsjsoundLibLogLevel=debug as you've done in the past, and upload it?
I got ready to generate the debug log file and I tried the pink noise on the center channel. Guess what? Now I get sound through the center channel. Maybe something was stuck on stereo when I tried it before and it needed some iterations to get reset. As far as I can tell I didn't do anything different this time.

Anyway, it looks like it works now. Thanks for help.
Hello, I updated to x64_5_30_9, and now I cannot do the sweep at >48 kHz sampling rate. 48 kHz is the only selectable option, but before the update, I could select 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, all the way to 192 kHz. Just wonder what I messed up, can someone help me on this please thank you.
Hello, I updated to x64_5_30_9, and now I cannot do the sweep at >48 kHz sampling rate. 48 kHz is the only selectable option, but before the update, I could select 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, all the way to 192 kHz. Just wonder what I messed up, can someone help me on this please thank you.
Can you provide more info about your setup? Which OS, mic, output device, and driver?
Hello, I updated to x64_5_30_9, and now I cannot do the sweep at >48 kHz sampling rate. 48 kHz is the only selectable option, but before the update, I could select 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, all the way to 192 kHz. Just wonder what I messed up, can someone help me on this please thank you.
If you are using WASAPI Exclusive Java drivers (device names starting EXCL) on Windows the only rates offered will be those the input and output devices both support. If you use non-EXCL Java drivers you can pick any rate BUT the OS will be resampling from the device rate to the requested rate, so the response will only have valid data within the range the device is actually operating at.
Hi John,
I just noticed (and maybe I'm rookie in OSX), that on Windows system I can open mdat files or any files from network location (e.g. my NAS or other computers... basically, a Network icon appears on the left vertical bar of REW's browser), however in OSX (Ventura on M1 Mac) the browser menu of REW does not offer me this option. I can see the Macintosh HDD and its subfolders, but no Network to choose another computer or location to store files. I was able to find a shared folder from my NAS though, appearing under Users/Volumes.I think it was much easier (if possible technically) to have Network available right away in the pop-up browser during Open or Save as actions.. a similar vertical menu we have in Windows version.
Kind regards,
Dear Developer,

I have noticed that the phase unwrapping feature in your software is not functioning as I expected it to, nor is it behaving as described in textbooks. The user manual mentions that unwrapping should adjust the phase within the ±180° range based on the frequency location of the mouse cursor. This seems to introduce difficulties in interpretation and understanding. There are times when I would prefer it to accurately reflect the absolute phase difference based on a 0ms timescale. This would help users understand filters and distinguish between what is leading or lagging.

I wonder if I might be making some operational error, as I am unable to achieve this result within the software. I would greatly appreciate your assistance with this issue. I am a dedicated user of REW and truly enjoy its functionalities. I am keen to see it continually improve.

Attached are some images depicting common phase unwrapping scenarios. However, I seem unable to replicate these in REW.

Thank you very much for your support.


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REW looks correct to me. The group delay plot in that image you attached is amusing, and nonsense.




I am not sure if I encounter a bug with the latest version (the official version, not beta) or if this is the place to mention it, but I'll ask anyway. A couple days ago, after updating it to the latest version, and I did do the uninstall/install and then reboot routine. After that, I continue to use REW to help tweaking Dirac Live, making changes to the target curves, in one the sweep, towards the end, I heard scarily loud noise that sound like the pink, or whatever noise distorted to infinite %!. I lowered the volume and make another sweep and it did the same thing. It was the right channel I was sweeping, using 48 kHz sample rate and Java drivers, the notebook PC was running windows 10. I forgot to try it turning off the Dirac Live filter to narrow thing if it was Dirac that was causing the noise, but I have been doing this sort of sweeps/DL tweak many times in the past, it was the first and only time I heard such scary loud noise when sweeping with REW. It was so loud, I thought the speaker would have been damaged, but it was okay.

Just wonder if anyone had ever experienced such kind of noise running their sweeps, I had the sweep range for 20 to 21 kHz at the time, again the noise only started towards the end of the sweep. I hit the cancel button right away so not sure if the noise would have continued even at the end of the sweep.