Sonos Port Streamer & MinDSP 2x4HD as Preamp for 2.2 System......Possible?

For Pink noise record ”Pink Periodic”
Record left only, right only and both so you’ll have what you need.
Have you used REW’s RTA?
Are you familiar with Moving Mic Method for recording spatial average with Pink noise?

Record measurement sweeps with a timing reference (it’s an option you can check)
Left and right channels. Keep timing reference the same, can be either left or right.
Timing reference will be required for phase alignment of subs to mains through crossover region.
Here’s a thread for what this is about if you need it. Member @jtalden is the expert here…
I have not used RTA and I am not familiar with it at all.

I have done some ready on the moving mic method but again havent used it.

I dont see the timing ref check box on REW as you can see in the screenshots in last post and i am using version V5.30.4. I do see it when the play tab is selected under sweeps but i will be playing sweeps from my tablet so not sure how that will work.