Sound Card Calibration and Impedance Circuit

Thank you. I tried searching Help, but I couldn't find it. The question is why in this window at the bottom left some information is displayed when the cursor is not on the impedance graph. Data of which point of graph we see?
The question is why in this window at the bottom left some information is displayed when the cursor is not on the impedance graph. Data of which point of graph we see?
I don't understand the question, maybe a screenshot would help. The graph always has a cursor - it is the vertical line with the frequency at the cursor position shown in blue. All the figures in the graph legend are also from that position.
Post 49, picture 2. The cursor (the place where the left mouse button was clicked) is not a point of the impedance graph.
Two perpendicular lines pass through the point where the left mouse button was clicked, one descends to the frequency axis (128.9 Hz), the second on the left shows ohms (13.71 Ohms), on the right the degrees of phase. But the point of intersection of these lines (cursor) is not the point of the impedance graph. The data at the bottom left should not be present when the cursor is not on the graph.
Now it is clear. Maybe this is superfluous, but what if, instead of a position in the corner, make a floating window next to the point of the impedance graph, to which the information in the window refers?
John Mulcahy
I downloaded the previous versions of REW to test the situation I described in post 46. Files from the forum open fine until RC8b. Version RC9 writes what is described in post 46. Version RC10 says that the file is missing. I checked the TEMP folder, the file from the forum has been downloaded. But REW doesn't see him.
From RC9 a different Java file type was used for reading and writing mdat files to speed up access. It makes use of the file descriptor to access the file, perhaps there is some issue in the handling of the file descriptor for those downloaded files. The main performance issue was in writing files (to network storage) rather than reading them, so I can revert the file reading change in the next build to see if that fixes the problem.
If it's not an urgent matter, okay. But if in the near future you make a build with the cancellation of the changes you are talking about, I will check right away. This can be done individually, not for everyone.