Hello icbcodc,
Here is the analysis of Mr. Claus Futtrup from Speakerbench.
I dared to ask him if he could give you his opinion on your measurements and he immediately agreed. Isn't that great?
I sent him the attached zip file and here is what he answered during the day.
A big thank you to him.
[ Jeff Candy has the username for the AVNirvana forum. I do not, so I appreciate that you help us communicate as a middle man.
If the JL Audio woofer has a large dust cap and it is not attached directly to the voice coil, but 'hovering' - then it might be better to fix the masses near the outer edge. Each of the four masses should be in the ballpark of 40-45 gram, with four of them this should reach a total of 170 gram, which is similar to the Mms of the driver.
icbcodc needs the masses to be pushed hard onto the diaphragm, so they have a solid grip, maybe also twist them a bit so they dig into the cone surface. Without the cone moving ... I know it's not easy. If he is concerned about the visual damage, it's possibly better if they are attached around the voice coil on the back side of the speaker. Some people use pairs of neodymium magnets - they're small yet heavy.
Furthermore the transducer is very stiff (Cms = 0,20 mm/N), so if things are not moving, he should apply more voltage.
Thank you for the JSON file. I have loaded it and the Bl-curve itself doesn't look bad, except I see indications the masses are not strongly coupled to the voice coil. Between that and the model test, I think the curves from the model test most clearly show why he only gets a fair rating => there are deviations on the peaks for all three measurements (less for the one without added masses, but still a bit, maybe tolerable ... the two curves with added masses have problems).
I think he has used too small a moving mass, but to the good side, the model test shows three distinct curves (so it's not totally bad). With a larger shift in resonance (with larger masses), he should also get a more clear picture of the viscoelasticity potentially and a better fit result. ]
Now it's up to you to do the good stuff.