Subwoofer Array Audiolense Tutorial?


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Aug 18, 2017
Hi all,

Are there any guide/tutorial on setting up subwoofer array w/ Audiolense?

I am aware of the work by @dallasjustice in his ASR thread. He made some high level descriptions but nothing in detail.

My room is 20x20ft and has some mode issues in most loudspeaker placements and sitting position, i get a whole octave -20dB suckout around 40-50Hz. There are some manual ways to use multiple subs in order to blend out the room modes. However, I want to be able to be fix it with help of sub placement and Audiolense XO. Similar to what dallasjustice had done. I have 2 full range speakers and 2 12" subs and would be willing to add more if needed.

I have Audiolense XO and am able to do single speaker and active crossover configs.

Audiolense can treat each individual sub as a separate driver of a sub array. It corrects each driver (sub) and then the combination of drivers (subs) together. I have achieved much better results with MSO and then using Audiolense to further correct the combined array of subs. I put the MSO filters into my audio interface as Audiolense has to measure through the MSO filters.

Here's the Audiolens multi-sub setup solution:
Audiolense can treat each individual sub as a separate driver of a sub array. It corrects each driver (sub) and then the combination of drivers (subs) together. I have achieved much better results with MSO and then using Audiolense to further correct the combined array of subs. I put the MSO filters into my audio interface as Audiolense has to measure through the MSO filters.

Here's the Audiolens multi-sub setup solution:

Thank you Hulkss. I was not familiar with MSO. It looks like a good option for making full use of multiple subwoofers and suppress nulls and peaks. What file format does MSO generate its filters in? How have you implemented the 2 filters, JRiver?
I play music from ROON. It allows for cascading filters but I've run into some bugs. I guess I can send the the music from Roon to Jriver to apply the DSP corrections but running 2 programs leads to some music stuttering for me.
Does anyone know of a program that allows you to compute a filter from 2 cascading filters (I think all you need to do is convolve the 2 wave files)?

Thank you Hulkss. I was not familiar with MSO. It looks like a good option for making full use of multiple subwoofers and suppress nulls and peaks. What file format does MSO generate its filters in? How have you implemented the 2 filters, JRiver?
I play music from ROON. It allows for cascading filters but I've run into some bugs. I guess I can send the the music from Roon to Jriver to apply the DSP corrections but running 2 programs leads to some music stuttering for me.
Does anyone know of a program that allows you to compute a filter from 2 cascading filters (I think all you need to do is convolve the 2 wave files)?

MSO does not need convolving for the filters. It outputs a set of filter settings (gain, center frequency, Q, delay), which you can easily implement in JRiver (I am sure Roon supports standard EQ'ing as well).
Audiolense setup will see your MSO filtered sub array as one sub. One challenge is that you need to measure your combined sub array through your MSO filters with Audiolense. That may be an issue with active speakers as the JRiver WDM driver only supports 8 input channels.
Audiolense setup will see your MSO filtered sub array as one sub. One challenge is that you need to measure your combined sub array through your MSO filters with Audiolense. That may be an issue with active speakers as the JRiver WDM driver only supports 8 input channels.

Thank you for the explanation. My subs each have a phase and polarity adjustment, plus 8 bands of eq with gain, freq and Q adjustments. Except for the delay, the MSO correction would be implemented in the subwoofers.

I just need to figure out how to introduce the appropriate delay in the signal for the Audiolense measurement for each sub. For playback, Roon can easily add delays as needed.

I read through the MSO instructions but I wasn’t sure: do you tell the program how many equalization bands you want? Is 8 a reasonable number?
I use up to 4 "Parametric EQ" filters per sub. Don't use MSO too far above your sub crossover. Just experiment to see how high you can go before the low end starts to degrade. I was surprised to get about the same results without any delays, I guess the filters can change the phase significantly. Some of the subs are about 6.5 ms closer than others. I measure at 4 seating positions for 5 subs. I have a total of fourteen 15" drivers in a sub line array (there's a picture in the "share photos" thread).

Here's the results with Audiolense + MSO filters. This is a frequency only minimum delay correction for lowest possible latency. I need low latency for watching streaming media on the internet.
I'll do a separate post with more detail and how it compares to the Audiolense multi-driver approach.

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14 subs of 15” !!! That’s scary...
The result is impressive though.
I’d love a detailed description of what you did.
Just saw the pictures. Scary like I said. How many watts of amplification did you hook up to that?
About 3000 depending on what impedance value you choose. This is not overkill. The LFE channel is required to play 10 dB louder than the other channels. To gain 10 dB you must increase power by a factor of 10. In addition, subs are rather low efficiency. To keep distortion and power compression low you don't want too much power per driver, especially below 20 Hz where they are displacement limited.
About 3000 depending on what impedance value you choose. This is not overkill. The LFE channel is required to play 10 dB louder than the other channels. To gain 10 dB you must increase power by a factor of 10. In addition, subs are rather low efficiency. To keep distortion and power compression low you don't want too much power per driver, especially below 20 Hz where they are displacement limited.
Sorry to hang this here but is there someone in the DALLAS Area who I can pay to calibrate my sound system for me? I have two subs and one of them is hooked up wirelessly.
I have minidsphd and have no clue how to use it. I have a NAD Receiver and a Monolith AMP. It’s a simple 5.2 System. Thanks