SVS 20-39 PC+


Thread Starter
Jul 18, 2019
Hi all,
I would like to know the rail voltage of 20-39 PC+ power amp... the SMPS got busted, can any one provide me with the details please.

I’m sorry, this is well out of my wheelhouse. Have you tried contacting SVS? Their customer service is top notch. They have Sunday hours as well (12-4 pm ET).
I already did... they are not able to help. Hopeless customer support in understanding a basic query.
Ugh. Well that stinks. Hopefully someone in the forum is more knowledgeable than I am. Sorry!
May be hard to find. I have one, but it's broken. Actually, I think I finally trashed it after several years of storage.
Sorry, i cant help either, but i were in the same boat a few years back.
The amps are made by Indigo in Canada. When mine broke i tried to figure out what was wrong with it. Could net get my hands on a circuit diagram so it was all done by trial end error. An equal amount of both actually so it ended in an error.
I even bought several broken amps to try and figure them out (all had the same fault in the powersupply). I actually soldered and desoldered parts on them so many times that the circuit traces went fubar eventually and i no longer bothered with it. Im not a very good amp repair man though. I just dabble with stuff like that from time to time in my garage
Ended up buying used a 3kw PA rack amp for it and have used that setup ever sinse

All that said i think i read resently somewhere that the rail voltages are variable on theese
What @kickerz said – outboard amplifier. It shouldn’t be hard to convert the 20-39 to a passive sub, enabling you to use the amplifier of your choice. I’ve done it to two subs. It’ll be a piece of cake for someone like you who’s capable of doing board-level work.
