The best foods for movie viewing are...

Jeff S

Thread Starter
Apr 24, 2017
Gainesville, FL
My wife and I were reminiscing last week about the good ole' days (aka the 80's) when there was this wonderful entertainment option called the "cinema pub". We would go to our local one in Orlando, plop down $2 each and grab a table to watch a 2nd run movie. That may not sound exciting, but we really looked forward to that every week or two. We could catch a movie on the cheap, enjoy some beer or wine, and get a bite to eat. That was long before everyone could afford larger screen TVs and well before DVDs became ubiquitous.
Now, jump to the 2010's and home cinema viewing has changed immensely. But one thing hasn't changed...I LOVE to eat while watching a movie. Not just popcorn or candy, but great "munchies" and drink. So it got me to thinking, what does everyone else like to eat on movie night? For me, I like to have some nice, hot chicken wings, some pita chips with hummus (or Doritos will work in a pinch), and of course, an ice cold beer like a Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA. While I long for the days of the cinema pub (alas they don't exist anywhere near where we live), I can truly enjoy a night in with the right food and a great movie on my home system.
What do all of you like? Do any of you remember the cinema pub? Would love to hear some ideas I may just take as my own at home...
Funny, you mention movie and food. Whenever I go to the theater, I always go to movie tavern which is basically a restaurant/theater where I can order a meal and watch the movie. Just did this last weekend for Black Panther.

I usually get a burger and the kids get pizza..

Wife gets the Chicken quesadilla.

you can also order alcohol as well. :)
Menu here
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Popcorn, Milk Duds or Flicks. Root Beer or Pepsi.
Popcorn with real butter and sea salt, if not that then potato chips are a close second. Not a huge pop person I actually like a tall glass of water on the rocks LOL
Gotta sneak some chocolate in there somewhere.

I’m not really the eating during the movie kind. I don’t like anything that distracts me from looking at the screen. My full attention is paid to the movie we’re watching. If watching during the weekend a tall frosty pint of beer is usually in order.
Funny, you mention movie and food. Whenever I go to the theater, I always go to movie tavern which is basically a restaurant/theater where I can order a meal and watch the movie. Just did this last weekend for Black Panther.

I usually get a burger and the kids get pizza..

Wife gets the Chicken quesadilla.

you can also order alcohol as well. :)
Menu here
So the "Cinema Pub" experience still lives on somewhere! That is awesome. I really wish we had one where I live now. These all sound like great foods.
Popcorn with real butter and sea salt, if not that then potato chips are a close second. Not a huge pop person I actually like a tall glass of water on the rocks LOL
I can eat an entire big bag of chips during a movie if I am not careful.Heck, who needs to be careful, it's a movie, right?
I’m not really the eating during the movie kind. I don’t like anything that distracts me from looking at the screen. My full attention is paid to the movie we’re watching. If watching during the weekend a tall frosty pint of beer is usually in order.
I respect your thoughts on this although I will have to agree to disagree. I totally get your point on just enjoying the movie. At least with your method you probably don't have to get up during the movie to visit the restroom. Maybe you are on to something.
I respect your thoughts on this although I will have to agree to disagree. I totally get your point on just enjoying the movie. At least with your method you probably don't have to get up during the movie to visit the restroom. Maybe you are on to something.
No, actually visits to the restroom happen frequently. Did I say pint as in singular? I meant pints as in plural. :bigsmile:
Speaking of drinks, I try to get the small size otherwise, I hate to leave the theater for a quick restroom break and miss parts of the movie. :)
That’s the great part! The pause button.
That’s the great part! The pause button.
Which circles back to why, these days, I prefer to watch movies at home. While my HT system is modest, it provides a high level of entertainment for our family. I never miss a good part of the movie at home due to my biology. I even got a small portable projector to set up outside during the nice spring nights!!
Mine is also modest but we rarely venture out to the theater anymore. It’s really gotta be a can't wait for it movie. The experience is so relaxing watching at home.
We watch 90% of the movies at home but we do like to every now and then go to the dinner/theater as an "outing". Just something different.. :)