The Quiet Bang

3 shots of bourbon and browsing surplus deals late at night a decade ago and you get in trouble REAL quick when you suddenly have an email receipt in the morning with 20+ mags on the way. I still have 40 original Yugo surplus mags that were NOS still soaked in cosmoline in a tote..... they're beautiful mags that were never even inserted into a gun and I got those things for $9 shipped.... Just don't tell my wife how many mags I have
My Aero 20” 308. IMG_2658.jpeg
very nice. I don't have an AR-10 yet, but I have the lower for one. I got in on a STUPID Larue Tactical sale where I got the fully decked out lower with the MBT-2 Stage trigger for $300 total. I just now need to wait for a sale on the larue URR uppers and I'll be good to go.

right now I'm down a HUGE cloning money pit. Picked up a Colt AR-15 A4 (the civvie version of an M16A4) and I'm in the process of cloning it like the military version. Already got the sling, the mag pouch, the Matech (USMC stamped) backup site.... I just need those stupid Knights Armament quad rails and of course the Acog
I had to get it before the ban in the state I live. I’m almost finished doing my Jurassic park / tacti cool conversion on my Henry lever action 357.
I had to get it before the ban in the state I live. I’m almost finished doing my Jurassic park / tacti cool conversion on my Henry lever action 357.

Oh yeah. And your states is a nasty one too
I had to go through three FFL to find one that would transfer a Henry with a threaded barrel, even though the crazy law exempts lever actions.

yeah, fear is rampant with FFLS over it.
it's a good silencer. I put it on a WBP fox and that sucker was already hotly gassed. I ended up putting a KNS piston on it to tame the gas.
I oscillate between "Yikes" and "Cool Beans." Maybe a little of both?
I oscillate between "Yikes" and "Cool Beans." Maybe a little of both?

that's usually what my wife says when she sees the credit card bill after picking up another gun lol
I may need to borrow that one Phil... just for a little while. :yes:
Looks like a fun little shooter... Steam Punk meets Cowboy up!!! Toss in a Ruger Vaquero and a side by double in 12 gage and your are ready to take on some bad men...
I bet you had some Fanner 50s as a kid... I did too... I also shot in some 3 gun competitions... All my friends hated me... In most open competitions I usually came in 3rd or 4th as a walk on...
I never could get it, not even for myself. We might get one or two each time we get them, but they were sold before we get them.
Looks like a little run and gun with the cowboys... Yippee ki yay...
For someone who's not from the U.S. I can't see the fascination with guns :confused: :confused:
It is a sport... For the "cowboy" guns above there are 3 gun competitions... And there are many single and multi gun competitions across the land... Then there is hunting which is regulated by the Department of Fish and Game that allows, for game management, hunting various game animals and game birds in various seasons for food...

What sport do you enjoy in Portugal?
It is a sport... For the "cowboy" guns above there are 3 gun competitions... And there are many single and multi gun competitions across the land... Then there is hunting which is regulated by the Department of Fish and Game that allows, for game management, hunting various game animals and game birds in various seasons for food...

What sport do you enjoy in Portugal?
I play squash, but not with guns :laugh: