Third Party Printer Ink/Toner Recommendations?


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Jun 20, 2017
So, I've got an HP LaserJet m251nw color printer. It is an awesome printer, but the toners are expensive. I've got to spend over $300 dollars to replace all the toners, which pretty much will last me about 6 to 8 months.

Has anyone had any experience with 3rd party reconditioned Toners / Ink? I have found a few places online that sell Toners for 1/4 of the cost I pay for HP toners, but I don't want to spend $$$ only to find out they won't work.
Well, I answered my own question. I remember a while back started selling printer ink. I went ahead and did a search for my printer and they had the toners in stock. I've had good experience with Monoprice customer service. I went ahead and order all 4 toners and my cost was $60.14 with 2 days shipping included. I hope theses work well. If they do, I will be ordering more!
I have a NIB printer that is at least 5-6 years old. The supplied ink cartridge is probably dries out so I will look into Monoprice, thanks!
I know HP offers print refills for a monthly fee as well. I think getting refurbished or 3rd party printing cartridges is less expensive though.
I have ink jet printers and have had good luck getting third party refills off of amazon. EZ-Ink and Sherman are two brands that I have used and had success.
I have been using the Monoprice toners for the last 4 days or so, and for the price I am pretty impressed. Toners print exactly as the HP toners did. We will see how long they last.