Timing measurement delays in Audiolense


Thread Starter
Nov 24, 2020
Hi @Mitchco

I saw you posted the below on another forum.

What do you mean by "The delays should be within 0.02ms of each other for each respective measurement for the same channel."


Here is my last measurement:

Take 3 sets of measurements back to back while changing nothing. Look at the delay column for each measurement. For example, for the midbass, 2.06ms is the reading for measurement 1. Is that the same delay value (i.e. withing +- 0.02ms) for the midbass in measurement 2 and measurement 3? Or do the delays vary? If so, by how much? You are looking for consistency of delay for each measurement session across channels. Hope that helps.
Take 3 sets of measurements back to back while changing nothing. Look at the delay column for each measurement. For example, for the midbass, 2.06ms is the reading for measurement 1. Is that the same delay value (i.e. withing +- 0.02ms) for the midbass in measurement 2 and measurement 3? Or do the delays vary? If so, by how much? You are looking for consistency of delay for each measurement session across channels. Hope that helps.

Ah yes, this makes good sense. I get you now.

And the good news for me is yes, I do have this consistency.

Enabling drift correction actually made things worse for me (I have seperate DAC and ADC so I tie them together with ASIO4ALL). The resultant measurement and correction resulted in sound coming from left and right speakers and no phantom center at all for vocals that should be there.

I repeated this about 5 times with same frustrating result.

Then I tried to disable drift correction and boom, phantom center returned immediately and super strong.

So now I keep drift correction disabled.

I recommend to others keeping it enabled though (as default starting point) and only disable if you have major issues like I did.