Top 5 BEST Speaker Companies

If we are talking impact on the industry, I would have to include KLH, JBL, and Klipsch for sure. Many of the later brands had a big market impact but really did not push the technology that much. Magnepan would have to be included as well.

Well... I'm just glad we coaxed an answer out of you! ;-)
I'll just go with an earlier era, but one that helped shape the industry.

JBL, Acoustic Research, Magnepan, Infinity, Duntech.
Not necessarily what I would buy but Legacy, PSB, Totem, Dynaudio, Dali. Honorable mention to Paradigm, B&W, Martin Logan & Monitor Audio of more of the mass market. Me I will buy the new Chane L7
Can't wait for the L7's to release! A definite 'in the house' speaker it will be.
Chane is a bang-for-the-buck company, it will be interesting to see how their statement piece will be received.
Has anyone gotten a sneak listen of the L7s?
Zaph Audio
Jim Holtz/ Curt Campbell
Troels Graveson
Cerwin Vega
So if I change this to top 5 who influenced me when I was a teenager in the 70's Dahlquist, AR, Advent, Ohm, Cerwin Vega (voice of the theater)
Before I give my list i just want to point out that I merely focus on stand mounted speakers. Just not a tower guy at all. Not into HT very much anymore either. Prefer 2-Channel for the most part w/o a sub. If I ever add a sub again it will be sealed. Now to my list:

1. Wharfedale
2. B&W
3. Tyler Acoustics
4. Chane
5. JBL


You don't necessarily have to have heard them to know they have had a major impact in the industry. It's not the best you've heard, but rather the ones with the most impact on the market.

Yes, that is very true. That is why EV is on my list not because I own some but because they have been around since the very beginning of audio speaker design.
One could even put RCA on that list.
Yes, that is very true. That is why EV is on my list not because I own some but because they have been around since the very beginning of audio speaker design.
One could even put RCA on that list.
I've owned Ascend Sierra's and found them to be excellent, especially in the treble.
I have used only one company for my speaker needs and I have been very satisfied..

---> Paradigm
I have used only one company for my speaker needs and I have been very satisfied..

---> Paradigm
Yes. I spoke to the manager of my local emporium and he said Paradigm, B&W and Goldenear were all great companies to work with (it doesn't hurt that they all make great speakers!)
When I was first researching speakers back in the day, I didn't have much money so I went to the library as well as various Barnes and Noble bookstores and did my research by reading various Audio/Video oriented magazines as well as consumer reports. I didn't purchase any of the magazines, just spent a lot of time at the book store reading. At the time, there was no google so had to research the old fashion way. :) After a lot of reading, I found that for all of the various reviews on speakers, paradigm was always in the top 3 if not top 1 or 2 in my price range. So, after that, I decided that was the brand for me and I have never looked back. 100% satisfied.
Just thinking...

Martin Logan - ESL hybrids
JBL - Studio Monitors (like the 4344 series)
Altec Lansing - Voice of the theatre
Klipsch - KlipschHorn style
Shindo Labs - Field Coil
Chane is a bang-for-the-buck company, it will be interesting to see how their statement piece will be received.

Well, the L7's are moving along. But they will not be the top of the range after all is said and done.

Has anyone gotten a sneak listen of the L7s?

Not yet. But Jon Lane should be able to make those arrangements later in the fall.

Jon was at my house for Hurricane Irma and we both talked a lot of audio and enjoyed listening to my pre-pro pair of A2.4s. Good things coming.


Also, I'd add HSU Research to the list. They have always been so disruptive from a performance/value standpoint and I suspect have pulled a lot of people UP from lower tiers of products into higher ones. The first hit of crack, as it were. I know they did this with me as soon as I bought my gen-1 VTF-2 (w/ 175 watt amp and 10" driver!). I was ruined for any sub anywhere near the price point.

They may not be so singular in that role now, but they used to stand alone in that regard.
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Martin Logan Neolith
B&W 800 diamond edition
JBL M2 master Reference Monitor
Revel Salon 2
Steinway Lyngdorf model D

The JBL and the Revels are claimed to be the most accurate speakers ever made to date
Good call on HSU @Buford TJustice, they certainly present crazy value for coin.

Getting stuck in Hurricane Irma with Jon onboard! That's some good company right there!:T
Good call on HSU @Buford TJustice, they certainly present crazy value for coin.

Getting stuck in Hurricane Irma with Jon onboard! That's some good company right there!:T

Yeah, HSU was one of the first ID brands with disruptive value. Ascend Acoustics being another.

The conversations we had were epic. :D
I was a big fan of Klipsch as well, back in the day. I think you have to go into the Heritage Line now. I had a chance to buy a pair of Klipschorns about 18 years ago for $250. I didn't want to drive all the way to Miami for them so I let them slip by. Kickin myself ever since! I would probably give the LaScalas the nod now because of being able to pull them out into the room. Some outstanding speakers.
Acoustic Research. Owned 7 pairs.
Impossible to pick only 5. For innovation and impact on the speaker industry:

Martin Logan
PSB for their NRC work
Miller & Kreisel for their work with subwoofers
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I’ll probably get some flack for my list but it’s

1) Mirage; 10 years ago when I first got into home theater the first legitimate setup I bought used was a pair of Omni 260’s, Omni CC and a pair of Omni 60’s for $400. Since than I’ve managed to collect one if not two pairs of all of their well reviewed speakers from the OM6/7/10’s w/ OMC2 and OM-R2 to the OMD-25’s that have been in my Atmos system for a couple years now with an OMD-C2, two pairs of OMD-5’s for height layer and a pair of OMD-15’s for surrounds. I even use a pair of Mirage BPS-400 subwoofers currently and have had them in my many rotations for years now. I bought the pair for $60 and figured the cabs were worth that alone (120lbs each) and than spent a year tracking down working OEM amps which were than refreshed by our local amp shop and luckily managed to buy the two pairs of 12” 8ohm drivers new old stock from a former Mirage dealer. Although in my opinion once Klipsch bought them (and than Audiovox) and everything moved to Chinese production you can see a clear difference in every aspect of quality with the exception of the OMD series. I mean that stupid Mirage MX 5.1HTiB they tried selling people with a single 6.5” woofer and a pair of passive radiators and an 800 watt amp? Zero R&D went into that.

2) SVS. Unmatched performance for the price in terms of their subs and their customer service has replaced everything from amps to drivers over the course of a half a dozen softener models I’ve owned from them that were under warranty.

3) RBH. Recently picked up 3 661-SV’s for use as L/C/R in my bedroom and have owned a number of their towers over the years and they’ve always stuck in my mind as a quality and well engineered speaker.

4) Monolith. Not sure about their THX line of speakers but I’ve got a pair of their THX Ultra 15” subwoofers and they’re absolutely visceral and violent in their output capabilities in my very small 800-900 square foot theater room. Their 7 channel power amp is also quite the bargain if you get it on sale and just based on the subs I would assume they’re well built and use relatively quality components.

5) Triad. I always loved Triad, their cabinets were always designed to be no nonsense and generally boring but the Gold series that I picked up used off Craigslist for $100 each blew me away and I actually ended up using them for a 5.2 system for my parents:
I like your list!

Interesting comments about Mirage. What a score on those Mirage BPS-400 subs! I'd like to hear those in action.

I think your picks make a lot of sense... although I'd probably argue that Monolith hasn't done quite enough to be on there. Yes, their subs are KILLER. Not only a great bargain, but the drop the hammer in BIG way!. Their speakers are quite good, but I think there are better options on the market when it comes to price/performance..

Agree 1000% on SVS. They are a well oiled machine and it shows. From the buying experience to performance to customer service.