Unequal PEQ Stepping - Sony XAV-9000ES


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Thread Starter
Jul 5, 2024
Main Amp
Parasound A21+
Audolab mDAC+
Streaming Equipment
ifi Stream
Front Speakers
Vandersteen 3a Signature
Hi All!

Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with a PEQ that doesn't have equal steps between frequency ranges for Auto-EQ calculation?

The PEQ in the Sony XAV-9kES steps like this:
20-99hz - 1hz increments
100-990 - 10hz increments
1000-20000 - 100hz increments

Any information on how to best handle this would be greatly appreciated!
I select the frequency setting closest to the one I want.

You shouldn't have to set anything in the PEQs for Auto-EQ... it does its own calculations.

If you want to use PEQ either before or after Auto-EQ, then what Wayne said.
12 PEQ filters with fine adjustment for Sub Bass and Bass, less fine for the Bass and Midrnage and broad strokes for the High Mids thru the High frequencies... Make sense to me... :T
Of course this is not a tracking and/or a mixing EQ system... It is for Room Correction, even in an automobile... :cool:
My Mom always told me to mind my Ps and Qs... :justdontknow:

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Thanks for the answers guys!

My concern was mainly with the fact the fact that some of the auto-eq results I am getting have filters frequencies quite close to others and with a lowish q-factor that are interacting with the other filters to either side a bit.

I had a feeling it was going to be a use the closest frequency situation and did just that. I thought I would ask just in case since I'm sort of obsessive about accuracy in my measurement data.

One option I've considered is sweeping, then creating custom filter profiles pre-rounded to my usable PEQ frequencies based on REW's filter suggestion and save. Then let REW base its suggestions using those specific filters for each channel on the final tune.

Having this sort of rounding routine in software would be a huge nice to have though, so maybe at some point down the pipeline.

I look forward to learning more about REW's capabilities. I have to say I'm very impressed so far so a big thanks to the Author!
In some PEQ processors that interacting between frequency bands is actually a feature... See for example Manly Massive Passive, Massenburg 8200 and Hendy Amps Michelangelo... Although I am not sure how that plays out on your Sony XAV-9000 ES...

If your looking to be obsessive you might look for a Convolver to do your Room Correction with... Just think 32767 EQ sliders from 0 to 24kHz...:oops:

Oh, and after you create your filters in REW, there is a Measure with these filters mode... See EQ, Filter Tasks, Measure with these filters... That might save you a bit of time...
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