Using the Convolver for Home Theater Application


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Oct 4, 2018
Hello, all. I have my 5.3 system filters worked out for audio listening on my main system and it sounds great. What I am unclear about is whether the Audiolense Convolver works for multichannel as well, such that I can run my Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and etc. content on through to get proper multichannel sound correction for movies and television programming?

I would continue to house the filters and Convolver on my Roon server (WS2019, i-10900K processor). All home theater audio content currently runs through my Marantz AV-8802A preamp/processor. It gets into the Marantz via HDMI either through a Roku stick or using the ARC return channel from my LG CX77 TV, or via optical audio cable from the LG TV into the Marantz. This said, I'm not sure how this content gets into the Roon server where the Audiolense Convolver app will be located to run the Convolver. That's what I need help understanding.

I do have JRiver running on the Roon server as well, but would prefer not to add JRiver into the mix here if I can avoid it.

Many thanks. JCR
Yes, the Al convolver can handle multichannel material. You should then use jriver as a virtual sound card to feed the Al convolver with an asio signal. It is a pretty flawless user experience. You just need to keep jriver open, that's all.
Bernt, where do I find the instructions for this virtual sound card with JRiver use case? I take it I need just one correction filter — such as 384K — for this use and I can just use my existing measurements and CPD settings, but just change the filter format to ALC? JCR
The scenario with jriver is described in a help document attached to the convolver.
One other measurement question, then. I listen to 2-channel music through the 5.3 setup — obviously, the center and surround channels are inactive during such time so it’s essentially 2.3 listening at that point (mains plus three subs). Should I be listening through filters generated with the mic in 0 degrees or, like other MCH media, based on the 90 degree mic position? JCR
That is up to you,, JCR.

If I were you, I would measure all speakers with 0 degrees. Start with an all-in-one measurement with the mic facing anywyere. This will capture the real timing differences. Then proceed with a grouped measurement. You can choose "speaker by speaker" or you can. assign left, right, center and sub to the "front" group, side lef to "left" group and side right to "right" group. There will be a pause between groups where you can algn the microphone. You do this measurement configuration, using drop-down combos in the measurement module.
All my past measurements have always been AllInOne. I don’t understand the purpose of grouping differently or going by speaker, nor what I would do with the first AllInOne measurement you reference. And are you suggesting a different mic alignment between groups, were I to do it that way? JCR
Yes, the grouped measurement allows you to point the microphone at all speakers ... with a pause between speakers when needed. The initial all-in-one us used measures the timing differences between all speakers.
OK, back to the convolver. The help file did not help me. Let's break down my use case. The 5.1 surround audio content for Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, etc. comes from the built in apps in my LG CX77 television. The audio outputs of the TV are either 5.1 optical digital out or HDMI out through the ARC return channel to the Marantz. I don't think I can do much with the HDMI. Thus, it would seem I need to feed the 5.1 optical output of the TV to my Lynx AES16e soundcard in the server. I will get that done by:

Toslink optical output of TV ---> transmitter side of toslink to ethernet converter/extender ---> ethernet run to server in back room ---> receiver side of ethernet to toslink converter/extender ---> toslink to digital XLR converter ---> Lynx card in server

Whew! This path will support 24/96 5.1 content in the various digital TV and movie formats, which I take it should be plenty adequate.

I'm currently using channels 1 & 2 of the Lynx card to support 2-channel vinyl playback through HQPlayer with Audiolense correction filters. So, I assume that, as the Lynx card has 16 channels in total, I can use channels 3-8 to support the 5.1 television/movie content. Or, as the content is not yet decoded from Dolby, DTS, etc., is it just a single digital channel? In any case, the Lynx card has its own ASIO driver.

So with the content digitally inputted into the server where JRiver and the Audiolense Convolver reside, what do I then do?

Jumping over the Convolver work, I take it that I then run the convolved data back out of the server to a toslink input on the Marantz preamp and then it will decode the DTS, Dolby, etc. signal, as convolved?

Pretty complex which is why the help file just doesn't get me there. Thanks. JCR
Bumping this back up and looking for help from Bernt or anyone else who has routed optical digital 5.1 into their convolver server, used the AL Convolver to apply DSP filters and then routed the modified optical digital 5.1 signal back to a prepro (in my case, a Marantz AV-8802A) for decoding to analog for output to amps and speakers. I guess I am just not following what I need to do. JCR
The convolver can not accept digital audio that has not been decoded to PCM.

Take the multi-channel analog output from your prepro into an audio interface and then into your computer (usually over usb), loop it through the convolver and back to the audio interface. The audio interface outputs go to your amplifiers.
Ah, thank you, hulkss. I wish I’d known that before buying the batch of adapters and converters that I did.

I will note that my LG television — the source of the optical digital content from Netflix, et al — did appear as a device in the left column of JRiver. Could JRiver do the unpacking to PCM and apply AL filters on the back end before sending to my Oktodac8pro DAC for playback? This may relate to Bernt’s suggestion of using VB-Cable. I tried but couldn’t figure that out.

Returning to your approach, my Benchmark analog to digital converter (ADC-1) sounds great for vinyl I digitize and playback real-time through HQP with AL filters. But, it’s a 2-channel ADC. What would I use as a MCH a-to-d device? JCR
I use a MOTU 16A for multi-channel A-D/D-A, or you could get a Lynx Aurora, they are more $$$. They both have good software for routing and mixing channels.
Ok understood. I have heard nothing but good about the Motu products. But given that I don’t watch anywhere near as much movie and TV content as music listening, my next investment priorities for the space will go to acoustic panels, drapes and other similar items to improve the room itself. I will likely just use the Audyssey XT32 pro kit I have to optimize for movies and TV listening as best I can and leave the use of AL filters for stereo and multichannel music.

I know, blasphemy…Thanks. JCR