What am I doing wrong? REW doesn't display readings..?


Thread Starter
Aug 17, 2017
I have used this program before at my other PC with no problems.

Unfortunately I am not able to view my SPL measurements and many other data. Im using the latest version on a Mac.

I have played with the with the zoom in and out and the settings on the side, it still doesn't change and display anything.

Also when I generate a waterfall I get a block of colour, no way to change its display resolution. its just very weird. I wonder what Im doing wrong.

Has anyone else experience the same thing, I wonder what is the solution.

Best wishes


Screen Shot 2017-08-17 at 10.47.27.png
Screen Shot 2017-08-17 at 10.48.21.png
You need to redo the SPL calibration on the SPL meter, your levels (286 dB in your example plot) are above the top of the graph.
Dear John, thank you so much for prompt reply. Yes your suggestion makes complete sense as I remember on my preveious installation I had to run a spl calibration, I guess this was 10 years ago, thank you so much for taking your time to help me. I also tried fuzzmeasure pro but it doesnt give me as much information as the REW, its simply a great programme.

Best wishes
