What is Killing the Movie Going Experience?

One of our local movie theaters started selling alcohol and upgraded their seats to lazy boy recliners with more room. They also upgraded their sound and video equipment. It is pretty neat. What kills it is the cost. Their tickets and food went up. Their food is not the best. I wouldn't mind paying, but at least put a taco truck inside the theater! Movies + Alcohol + Taco Truck = $$$. If the movie sucks, people will talk about the food and drink at least.
Cost is always a factor especially for families.. Tickets, refreshments, etc, all costs way to high, similar to going to a ball game.. Only so much disposable income to go around..
One of our local movie theaters started selling alcohol and upgraded their seats to lazy boy recliners with more room. They also upgraded their sound and video equipment. It is pretty neat. What kills it is the cost. Their tickets and food went up. Their food is not the best. I wouldn't mind paying, but at least put a taco truck inside the theater! Movies + Alcohol + Taco Truck = $$$. If the movie sucks, people will talk about the food and drink at least.
Since the seating is now picked when you pay...wait until the seats start to breakdown, and the movie is sold out. I would be if my seat was broken.
Assigned seats and alcohol would be more than enough to make me never want to go. That last thing I want is a drunk slobbering all over me.
Since the seating is now picked when you pay...wait until the seats start to breakdown, and the movie is sold out. I would be if my seat was broken.


I was talking with the owners of one of the theaters in town, and got the behind the scenes tour about a year ago. They have 4 extra chairs on hand at all times in case they need to replace one. And a couple extra motors, too. They claim to only have a 1 showing down time for replacing one if necessary, and I'm sure they'd be happy to refund/exchange the ticket for the party who found a broken seat.
Ed Norton hit the nail on the head - terrible video and audio. Outside of the one Dolby Cinema, that isn’t that close to me, I always lament the lack of quality from the projected image. And the audio is rarely, if ever, on point either.

Need I mention the teenagers and their cell phones? Much cheaper to wait, purchase the movie and watch it at home.