What movie did you bring home today?

Collateral was awesome. One of Cruise's finest movies IMO
Hard to believe I’m admitting this... but no, I haven’t! I’m in, tho! Looking forward to it! I remember it being released... just never saw it.

Actually, an account I follow on Twitter ignited my interest with this behind the scenes look at some readings.

And that’s how we got here!
All the way from Germany....



Just purchased it on eBay....be a few weeks before it arrives from Germany. I looked at some reviews of the 4k version. They have some pretty good things to say about the picture quality.
Yes, supposedly a significant jump from the US Blu-ray release. I bought my copy through Amazon DE. Checkout was interesting sans English!
Spider-Man Far From Home

That's a fun trilogy. They were filming Unbreakable in Philly the year my wife and I got married (there). The comic book store that Jackson operates was in fact a store front in the City that was on the same block as the racquet club that we rented for our post-wedding celebration. We saw filming crews quite a few times throughout the City and by that store front.

M. Night does a ton of filming there... our street in the Art Museum area was captured a few times Sixth Sense. Kind of neat because seeing that movie is a great refresher of what our block looked like while we lived there. I think it's cool that he sticks so close to his Philly area roots.