What movie did you bring home today?

The Quiet Man

The color is pretty good, the audio is much better than expected, but in my opinion there does seem to be a lot of grain, all in all the movie is one of the best ever! And of course Maureen O'Hara and John Wayne make up for any shortcomings of this or any transfer. Even though this did not get the treatment it deserves, it's still a very enjoyable film, maybe some day it'll get a proper remaster.
Let us know how KA is on 4K! Might just have to double dip.
I’ll report back soon!
Thor: Ragnorak 4K showed up in my mailbox today. Not going to watch it tonight though as we have Dunkirk up next.
Just a rental for now but picked up Baby Driver in 4K UHD. I watched this one at our Dolby Prime cinema and it was outstanding! I have a feeling I should have just bought it. I can’t wait to hear the soundtrack on my system.
It’s fantastic, Jeff!
The entire SAW collection. Crazy good price as well!

Got these two yesterday. Should be enough for now.
Great flicks, Steve!

I picked up a Blu-ray copy of "A Taxi Driver"
Didn't realize it until now but either Amazon sent me the wrong Star Wars or I ordered the wrong one. I don't order Blu-rays anymore. Ugh...
Didn't realize it until now but either Amazon sent me the wrong Star Wars or I ordered the wrong one. I don't order Blu-rays anymore. Ugh...
I was curious about that myself. Ugh is right! Not a movie but looking forward to this Atmos experience.
Didn't realize it until now but either Amazon sent me the wrong Star Wars or I ordered the wrong one. I don't order Blu-rays anymore. Ugh...

Blu-ray = no Atmos = :gah: = :frown: = :help: = :spend: = :woohoo:
It's going to the neighbor. Ordered the correct disc and it will be here Monday. :T
Picked up these six movies..


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Here’s what came in the mailbox today.
Great minds Jeff... GREAT MINDS!
Yesterday I picked up Saving Private Ryan and Serenity on UHD, and Christine on Blu-ray. I haven't seen Christine in YEARS...my 12yo is getting into Stephen King, and it was only $5.
Duplicate post.
Sadly, I never found the time to sit down and watch Saving Private Ryan. I’m chomping at the bit to say the least.