What movie did you bring home today?

I think I'll watch it again... it's been a long time since I've seen it.
I think I'll watch it again... it's been a long time since I've seen it.
It’s such a unique film. One of a kind
I don’t know why I waited so long to pick this up. So cinematic. U2 has released some of the best concert films ever. This is no exception.
Is that blu-ray?
Is that blu-ray?
It is a Bly-ray rip, yes. I’m not sure if it’s available in the US anymore, but I bought a French version off Amazon for $20. I do remember seeing it in Best Buy when it was a new release, so I know it was released domestically at one point.
You jarred my memory and I hunted down Rattle and Hum on BD. Should arrive in a few days. I ended up paying $40 (which was the cheapest price I could find! I need to checkout the set list for disc you have... very curious!
I picked up Tenet, Black Hawk Down and The Ten Commandments this week.
Apocalypto is a TON of fun. I'm just depressed that it's out of print and the rights to the film are in limbo. I'd kill for a UHD release.

I love Mel Gibson's work in general. It always grieves me that his life choices (and hollywood's blacklist) cut him off at the knees while he was at the peak of his directing career. Man was an amazing actor and a fantastic director as well
Doubt there is anyone here that is familiar with the "Asterix and Obelix" comics. These are french comics that my wife and I have read since we were kids.
Many of them have been made into cartoons and movies but we rarely find them in the US. We grab them if and when we can find them.

I was bored yesterday. So, took a trip to Best Buy and saw the above. I have enjoyed this movie as an HD but wanted to see it in UHD.

The PQ was possibly a little better in 4K but not as warm as HD. To me the big noticeable difference was in audio.

Glad I purchased.
I picked up GI Joe: Retaliation in UHD.
Wow... they arrived!!! Which one are you going to watch first??