Recent content by Tonto

  1. Tonto

    Marantz system

    He has some nice gear. Love that McIntosh day!
  2. Tonto

    Marantz system

    Wow, another guy just listed his amp yesterday. A McIntosh MC-122 amp for $1250! Pristine McIntosh MC-122 power amplifier great power mint amp This listing is for a truly rare and great amp from McIntosh. The MC-122 2 channel power amplifier is incredible. Extremely loved by audiophiles...
  3. Tonto

    Marantz system

    I got to quit looking on fb marketplace. A guy just listed his McIntosh MX-121 for $1,000. That bad boy is $6000 new! Man is it beautiful!!
  4. Tonto

    Marantz system

    Somebody else snagged the deal ahead of me. Wasn't meant to be!
  5. Tonto

    Marantz system

    Thanks dude, that's what I was thinking as well.
  6. Tonto

    Marantz system

    Would I need all three pieces? The 2100 is a tuner & the 2220 is a receiver. Isn't that redundant or am I missing something?
  7. Tonto

    Marantz system

    I agree, it looks very cool. I think the only other vintage stuff that looks better is Macintosh! There would be no hesitation there. But that's a whole different level of performance (& cost).
  8. Tonto

    Marantz system

    This just showed up for sale! $300 for all 3. The amp is only 45 watts/channel. Is it worth buying compared to modern equipment?
  9. Tonto

    GIVEAWAY! Win a miniDSP UMIK-2 Microphone!

    Congrats Mike, let us know how you like it!
  10. Tonto

    GIVEAWAY! Win a miniDSP UMIK-2 Microphone!

    Count me in too! I actually need a mic.
  11. Tonto

    Marantz 7000PM/U1B

    Hey Sonnie, didn't you have a pair of these Emotiva monoblocks back in the day? How did you like them? Could you tell any difference with music? Just curious.
  12. Tonto

    Marantz 7000PM/U1B

    Sorry guys, have been too busy, this weekend I hope. My problem is that now, there are 2 Emotiva 1000 watt monoblocks for $800 ($400 each--that's a deal). Rates them as "used/like new," and in the pictures they look pristine! I just don't have $800 right now! Probably more amp than I need...
  13. Tonto

    Marantz 7000PM/U1B

    Sorry for the double pic, can't seem to remove it! Anyway this lady tells me this was left over from her first marriage and has been boxed up since then. He was into very much into music and bought this amp. She was tired of storing it and was happy to get rid of it. I told her I was happy...
  14. Tonto

    Marantz 7000PM/U1B

    I was driving home this morning and the lady called me to see if I could pick up the amp. Of course I said "sure!"