All time favorite Movie Thread

I'd forgotten about this thread... but I see that I picked Caddyshack as my desert island flick. But, man... I'm so torn. Today, I think I might actually have to pull The Right Stuff from the two spot and put it at #1!

All of that said, Mike... you've gotta have that one film that you could be stuck with. Right?
If there was an award for the movie with the best lines to quote, Caddy Shack would hands down get my vote.

“Oh, this is your wife, huh? A lovely lady. Hey baby, you must’ve been something before electricity.”
Hmm . . . Tough call. Not judging by audio, just overall favorites (based mostly on what I rewatch):

2001 A Space Odyssey
Blazing Saddles
The Wall (odd, but a masterpiece of animation)
Office Space
Forbidden Planet
Apollo 13
Some kind of wonderful

(Many others that don't come to mind at the moment as well . . . . I don't seem to be able to come up with *the* favorite though).
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Impossible to pick just one! Maybe Ghostbuters or Alien, but the desert island would need a good sound system and popcorn.
Interstellar might be my favorite film
Interstellar and Gladiator are tied as my all time favorites (dramatically, visually, acoustically).

Office Space
Office Space certainly was a "favorite" during my career (emotionally and therapeutically; I've probably seen it more times than any other).
Oblivion. Mostly for how dynamic the soundtrack is in Atmos. Really lights up the subs. Next would be Maverick for the same reasons.
Apocalyse Now, no question. More than any film I am aware of it captures the surreal absurdity and horror that was the Viet Nam war.

Plus, it has a killer soundtrack with opening music by The Doors, and members of the Grateful Dead providing additional music throughout.

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Dr. Strangelove is a masterpiece. My father was an army officer, and characters in this movie remind me of real life officers that I met.
There were a few earlier posts that referenced films directed by Terry Gilliam (Monty Phython?) and I am a big fan. I'd go with an anthology, but if I had to select just one it would be the director's cut of Brazil.
Grand Prix
A 1966 Formula 1 racing movie with:
James Garner
Eva Marie Saint
Yves Monand

Music by: Maurice Jarre

Academy award:
best film editing,
best sound mixing
best sound editing
Blade Runner- the Final Cut. From the first time I saw it in my teens to the most recent viewing 40+ years later (and the dozens of viewings in between), this one never gets old for me!

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Terminator 2: Extended Special Edition with all options and variants. 😎
Armageddon!! watch that on a great system and it will change your life! That played for years in my demo room and I sold so many speakers and amps from the shuttle flying into the astroid it is not even funny... Lol
Two movies, each unforgettable for entirely opposite reasons...

1) INTERSTELLAR. Each time I watch this film, it resonates in a new way. As I grow and change—through experiences like fatherhood, a global pandemic, and the turmoil in the world around us—the film’s impact shifts, adapting to the world’s evolving landscape. It’s a masterpiece that balances a grounded, scientific world with sci-fi imagination, prompting us to reconsider our sense of home and the essence of hope, love, and perseverance as the core of our humanity. The retrospective assessment of today's society and how we cannot sustain a world where everyone has it all...really spoke to me and actually shifted my brain to working smarter. This beautifully crafted journey emphasizes the importance of human connection and the impulse to reach out to loved ones, even when distance separates us. It captures what it means to be human and reminds us of the actions we need to take to ensure a future where the Yankees—and maybe even the Blue Jays—still have a place 100 years from now.

"When I was a kid, it seemed like they made something new every day. Some, gadget or idea, like every day was Christmas. But six billion people, just imagine that. And every last one of them trying to have it all."

2) HIGH FIDELITY. For many different reasons, this movie (not so ironically) is akin to a great album. It's a snapshot of my life that reruns my senses like the first time I heard the Smashing Pumpkins, or Radiohead. It's a comfort movie for me. Relationships, pop-culture overload (in the best of ways), and the validation that it DOES matter in society. We've all made the mixed-tape and we've all eventually cringed at the making of said mixed-tape, until one day, you meet someone where it doesn't make you cringe. That's a powerful feeling to tap into personally. Music connects us, and this is one of the only movies that binds together my love for music (and movies and other pop culture references) to love and relationships. I am not ashamed to say that I also bought the '3 EP's' by The Beta Band after this classic scene - super telling in the context to which they delivered this scene and how it connected with me and actually changed my musical outlook. Seriously, download "Dry the Rain" by The Beta Band now and don't admit to anyone that you don't own Blonde On Blonde. The movie is undeniably personal and feels like my own, like a great record! It's always there for me. It also successfully normalized being a musical elitist ;)

"What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?"
If i had to choose 3 or 5 it would be difficult.
But only one - easy!

2001 A Space Odyssey.

Hands down the best movie ever created in terms of craftmanship.
When you watch the (practical) effects - they are so stunningly good!

I'm in the Movie and Music Business for over 40 years now.
I tip my hat to Stanley!

Remember: this movie was made 1965 -1968.
No CGI then.
As you all said, it's really difficult to choose one single movie. Maybe, in my mind, "Seven" (alias "Se7en") could be that movie. But Alien and Jaws reserve the first places for sure.
My favorite movie of all time is, "The Right Stuff". When I first heard about the is movie I was all in. The first time I saw it was in one of the big theatre's in San Jose CA. When the the first image appeared on the screen, I had a big smile. I knew they had made a movie for me. The poetry of the narration flying through the clouds got me hocked. Three hours later I was still hooked. The movie could have been two films. The first being the story at Edwards Air Force Base about the test pilots which features Chuck Yeager. Also there were two future astronauts. The second movie would be the Mercury program with the original seven astronauts. Watching the movie I understand why they included both into one film. Without seeing the men who were test pilots we would not have understood the astronauts who were all test pilots. Also I love the line from Yeager to the other test pilots when they were complaining about how the Mercury 7 had not flown in space and were considered heroes, how many of you would be willing to sit on millions of tons of TNT on national TV. The Tom Wolfe original book is thick with a lot of chapters and could not be into a movie with all of what of them, but they were able to get the points across by condensing the separate stories for film. It is one of the best adaptations of a book I have ever seen on the screen. The movie was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture that year in 1983 but lost to "Terms of Endearment". I could go on and on.
Alright, if I'm stuck on an island WITH my system, it's probably Top Gun Maverick. Without my system it would be Back to the Future. Always a caveat...
I’m right there with you on Top Gun Maverick. The way my chairs shake when the jets are taking off is awesome.
Bit thinking between Schindler List’s and Terminator 2 , but I guess the First one is really emotional 😍