Audyssey one

Can you double check u started the API server in REW. Once this has started then REW can communicate with the web browser you use and carry out the script.

REW Beta>Preferences>API>Start Server>Run script after all your measurements are loaded into REW if not already in there..

Hope this helps.

I'm using a mac, and can't seem to see any API buttons to click anywhere, have the latest REW
Can you double check u started the API server in REW. Once this has started then REW can communicate with the web browser you use and carry out the script.

REW Beta>Preferences>API>Start Server>Run script after all your measurements are loaded into REW if not already in there..

Hope this helps.

Not there:confused:
Ah weird, is it the Beta version you have as well? I don't have a Mac to double check. If you go to HELP within the top line of the main REW window you can find out which version you are running.
Ah weird, is it the Beta version you have as well? I don't have a Mac to double check. If you go to HELP within the top line of the main REW window you can find out which version you are running.
It's version 5.31
How ya making out Gerry?
All loaded up, will goo and check with REW and what is doing :)
Ok, I had a goo with REW, what Audyssey one gave me wasn't right for me, crossover was set at 80, far too low for my room, the best for me is 110, also the sub distance was way too much, more than 2 meters or more than 6 ft, maybe if I doo another Audyssey calibration from scratch, it might be better, but I did like, once I had gone through some issues, was the speed at which it calculates, but I will give it another go, when I have the time :T

Ok, I had a goo with REW, what Audyssey one gave me wasn't right for me, crossover was set at 80, far too low for my room, the best for me is 110, also the sub distance was way too much, more than 2 meters or more than 6 ft, maybe if I doo another Audyssey calibration from scratch, it might be better, but I did like, once I had gone through some issues, was the speed at which it calculates, but I will give it another go, when I have the time :T
I have been messing with this stuff for a while now and have come to find/realize something about crossevers and rooms...
I have a MEQ X calibration that i have been working on for some time that i am really happy with. In it i have my mains (left and right front) set to 60Hz. If i raise it to say 80hz my Rew frequency responce drop a few db's in the 100'ish to maybe around 50hz (i dont have the files in front of me so dont have the exacts, but you get my drift...)
If i raise it higher it drops more.
Does that meen my room wants a xo of 60hz(?)

In my Audyssey ONE calibrations (i have tried both my original multipoint mic location file, and made a new singlepoint one) i have found the quite opposite.
If i set my xo at 60hz i am LOOSING about 13db in the same area compared to 120hz (where i ended up setting it based on rew measurements).
I think this has to do with something that happens with phase within A1's algorythm.
So apparently the room itself isnt nessesarily the one with the last word on xo settings.
But as Sarko states. Even if your speakers COULD handle say 40hz,A1 will set it to 80. You will have to figure out the correct setting for you on your own.
Either way i love the sound i get in the end with it. Also what i get with my own manual MEQ X cal.
Going to have to give em both several long term listens to try to figure which one i prefere. But i think A1 gives me better object placement in the room and thats big for me...
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I have been messing with this stuff for a while now and have come to find/realize something about crossevers and rooms...
I have a MEQ X calibration that i have been working on for some time that i am really happy with. In it i have my mains (left and right front) set to 60Hz. If i raise it to say 80hz my Rew frequency responce drop a few db's in the 100'ish to maybe around 50hz (i dont have the files in front of me so dont have the exacts, but you get my drift...)
If i raise it higher it drops more.
Does that meen my room wants a xo of 60hz(?)

In my Audyssey ONE calibrations (i have tried both my original multipoint mic location file, and made a new singlepoint one) i have found the quite opposite.
If i set my xo at 60hz i am LOOSING about 13db in the same area compared to 120hz (where i ended up setting it based on rew measurements).
I think this has to do with something that happens with phase within A1's algorythm.
So apparently the room itself isnt nessesarily the one with the last word on xo settings.
But as Sarko states. Even if your speakers COULD handle say 40hz,A1 will set it to 80. You will have to figure out the correct setting for you on your own.
Either way i love the sound i get in the end with it. Also what i get with my own manual MEQ X cal.
Going to have to give em both several long term listens to try to figure which one i prefere. But i think A1 gives me better object placement in the room and thats big for me...
that's good to hear that you're getting along with, I will have another go sooner or later, but at the moment I'm using my own calibration, I did like the way A1 handles the settings, will have to spend more time with it and compare
I have just remembered that I used an older calibration that I did about a week ago, but I nornally set the subs with Minidsp 2x4hd, and then use the Audyssey app, maybe I should do it without the use of the Minidsp, hopefully it might improve on my last effort :T
Will, did another fresh calibration using the Audyssey app, and after using the Audyssey One to do it's magic, uploaded it to my receiver, Marantz cinema 50, had a listen but didn't sound that good, everyone seems to say that it's night and day difference, I must be the odd one out, checked out with REW, and it was terrible, played around with the miniDSP, adjusted the subs, and that made much better, not perfect, but better, the first pic, is just out of Audyssey One, the other after miniDSP, did I do something wrong? I was expecting it to be amazed like some others have been, I've followed all the instructions, as to not miss anything, anyone has any ideas?


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I see there is not much action on this thread here. I guess most people here are very advance and probably dont need Audyssey one anyway I am uploading this file to see if someones comments or help me improve things. This are measurements I made of my subs after Audyssey onne calibration. Any idea why the big dip around 50hz and the even bigger one at 82hz or how to fix it


I see there is not much action on this thread here. I guess most people here are very advance and probably dont need Audyssey one anyway I am uploading this file to see if someones comments or help me improve things. This are measurements I made of my subs after Audyssey onne calibration. Any idea why the big dip around 50hz and the even bigger one at 82hz or how to fix it
I'm checking this on my tablet, so I don't have rew here, as you can see mine above, it's not very good without messing with miniDSP, hope you'll get it sorted
I'm checking this on my tablet, so I don't have rew here, as you can see mine above, it's not very good without messing with miniDSP, hope you'll get it sorted
the problem is I dont have a minidsp. I have to read and investigate and count on people who really know their stuf and can help figure how to do it manually.. But my experience with Audyssey one ha ven pretty good at fir the highs were kind of harsh but I've sorted that out. Now I just wan to improve the bass more even though I like the way its sounds.
the problem is I dont have a minidsp. I have to read and investigate and count on people who really know their stuf and can help figure how to do it manually.. But my experience with Audyssey one ha ven pretty good at fir the highs were kind of harsh but I've sorted that out. Now I just wan to improve the bass more even though I like the way its sounds.
You have REW, that should be some help, experiment with moving your sub, or subs if you can, also try adjusting phase on the back of your sub, and also adjust the distance in your Avr, good luck
You have REW, that should be some help, experiment with moving your sub, or subs if you can, also try adjusting phase on the back of your sub, and also adjust the distance in your Avr, good luck
Yes I have REW and use it all the time. It just sometimes not that easy to fix what one sees.
I did some tests on the central channel. UMIK-1 in the MLP without calibration file

scenarios ( all with subs on and reference curve in all cases):
1. factory reset -> looks bad
2. calibration run from the avr menu -> does some leveling
3. audyssey app -> makes it better
4. audyssey app plus one audyssey (V1.0) -> some differences in mid and high frequencies

I would say for my speaker there is not much difference between 3 and 4 except option 4 should set delays using the correct speed of sound.

I can test more combinations.



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They are very narrow. You can ignore them. Most likely this is a room. You will not greatly change the decor in the room due to minor circumstances.
thank you. I was worried because they look so big, but like you say they are very narrow. How about the rest of the chart? how does it look to you?
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How about the rest of the chart?
If the crossover frequency between the main speakers and the sub is 80 hertz, then it should be normal. The peak at 35 Hz is +5 dB and may stand out. If the room is large, this may be acceptable. If it's small, there will be discomfort. It is important how the main speakers and subs are connected after setting the distances in the AVR. Are there any subtractions or large peaks near the cutoff frequency.