Get your grub on

Washington - you guys know how to grill out in the Northwest, too? I will soon be a resident Southerner, and will have to seriously up my game in the smoking and grilling arena.

Thinking about smokers, I lean toward a gas or electric smoker with wood chunks for being trouble-free to keep temperature and smoke levels constant.

Grilling, definitely gas.

I have done a fair amount of both, it has been awhile, though.
Washington - you guys know how to grill out in the Northwest, too? I will soon be a resident Southerner, and will have to seriously up my game in the smoking and grilling arena.

Thinking about smokers, I lean toward a gas or electric smoker with wood chunks for being trouble-free to keep temperature and smoke levels constant.

Grilling, definitely gas.

I have done a fair amount of both, it has been awhile, though.

I hear ya. It's so dang hot down here I've been thinking about purchasing a Traeger pellet smoker. Doing a long cook in the summer is brutal.
It won't become my main cooker but it would be nice sometimes just to fill it with pellets, set the dial and walk away while I hide in the A/C for 12 hours.
Some 3 hr slow cooked pork spare ribs and some pork shoulder country ribs. With some stubs rub and sauce.
Nothing wrong with some Stubbs on some pork. Looks great.
Yep... pork looks really nice. Bet it was delicious too.

We had us another steak Saturday night, got two more laid out in the fridge for next weekend, although I plan on cooking some pork steaks something this week. I love slicing a butt in 1 inch thick steaks and soaking them in course Kosher salt for an hour before cooking... talk about tender and delicious... man they are fine.
@Tonto have you tried that smoke pouch on a gas grill?
Yep... pork looks really nice. Bet it was delicious too.

We had us another steak Saturday night, got two more laid out in the fridge for next weekend, although I plan on cooking some pork steaks something this week. I love slicing a butt in 1 inch thick steaks and soaking them in course Kosher salt for an hour before cooking... talk about tender and delicious... man they are fine.
Wow. I think I'll try that. Sounds like a terrific idea. Thanks for the tip
Haven't tried it myself because I have never used a gas grill. The concept is sound though. And it being stainless steel means it will last a long time. Just put your choice of wood scraps in the pouch and lay it over the flame. Meathead doesn't recommend anything snakeoil! Have you had a chance to browse his website?
Dad uses this smoke pouch with great results.
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Bumping to show of the pulled pork I did the other day :-)





Yum. I can almost taste the bark.
Nothing fancy just some baked chicken. I was hoping to grill but ran out of sunlight.
Nice. Just for the game?
No, just for dinner.
Yummy, Making me hungry! lol. :)
Well didn't take any pics since I was in game mode but....
Marinated some extra think porkchops over night in zesty Italian dressing. Before the grill I slit them to make pockets and stuffed with some bread dressing and Italian sausage. The sausage really kept them from getting dry. Nice and moist.
Change of emphasis...

Gotta say, now being an official Southerner, grits kinda grow on you, when properly done.

My son did some grits with shrimp that I about cried over, they were so good!
I can't find the after pictures, but this is something we had over the weekend!


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Wow, they look great. I am sure they tasted great also. :)
Hey Bacovich, here's a thought. Move the fire box to the top of the grill and put a thermostate regulated exhaust fan in the bottom. The exhaust fan will pull the smoke through the coals which will burn off all the stuff in the smoke that makes for the bitter taste you can get. Super easy to control the heat with the exhaust fan being temperature regulated. The only drawback is you will use more wood. Not a big deal.
Well it's game day so it was time to fire the q up again. Also a beautiful 85 degrees.
On the menu today were rattlesnake eggs and Cornish game hens stuffed with cornbread jalapeño dressing.
A few things I cooked this weekend and finally trying out Samuel Adam's October Fest beer. Taste okay. Nothing that stands out. I would give it a 3.5 out of 5 for the Octoverfest. My wife made me a Chelada or something to that sort. Tasted pretty good! I also bought some really expensive bacon at our local Farmer's Market. This bacon sells out within 30 min. of the stand opening up. There was a long line, but luckily my sister-in-law works there so I got 1 lbs of it for $20 bucks crazy!

I also had some lumpias at the farmer's market. They were good!

My wife sold our chest freezer since we need it a bigger freezer. She wanted an upright freezer. I ended up getting a 22 freezer. Has a lot of space. Now, I've got to go buy more meat! The best thing, I only paid $505 for this freezer after taxes. It was on sale for $600, and the regular price was $800. When I got it home, I noticed it had a small dent on the side. I called the store manager, and she gave me over $100 dollar discount.


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Very nice pictures. All look so yummy! :)
Trying out a new marinate for carne asada. It was good!!!!


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