Let's Build a Dedicated Home Theater System... for $1500

We need @theJman to chime in on the sub. I *think* Dayton Audio might be the answer. Also, Polk Audio has loads of referb subs on the cheap:


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^^^^ To add to the above, we are going with Tower speakers. Could we cut the sub all together?
We need @theJman to chime in on the sub. I *think* Dayton Audio might be the answer. Also, Polk Audio has loads of referb subs on the cheap:

Polks subs are cheap and inexpensive, if you know what I mean. ;) SQ would be better on the Dayton, but even that isn't great (although it is great for the price, certainly better than most would expect).

If you want to get into the PB-1000 range, but still save a few bucks, what about the RSL SpeedWoofer 10S? That's like a "have your cake and eat it too" solution. Emotiva has the BasX S12 as well, but my guess is the RSL would best it. Same price though.
And just like that we just shaved $100 bucks off our total price.

RSL =$400 shipped.

Thanks @theJman !
So..... if we take Jim's suggestion, that leaves us at:

- Denon AVR-S510BT 5.2 Receiver ($159)
- Pioneer 5-channel Speaker System ($490)
- We've pegged a display/PJ to be ($500)
- RSL -$400

We still are landing at $1549.

For the BD player, how about the Sony BDPS3700 Streaming Blu-Ray Disc Player with Wi-Fi for $64. That was one of CNET's top picks for 2016.

That puts us at $1613.

We'll need two HDMI cables (one to display/projector and one from BD to AVR). If we go with Monoprice, we're looking at about $30 for a 4ft cable and a $20ft cable.

We'll also need speaker wire. 14 gauge 100ft is $18 at monoprice.
Sub cable: 25ft for $4 mono price.

So, as it stands, right now we are at $1665

We have some work to do! How close to $1500 can we get this? Time to put the thinking caps on!
This might be the answer:

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The SUB-1500 works from a price point, but maybe not from a SQ perspective.

The SUB-1200 is renown for its value, and I can attest to that, but the 1500 has less of a stellar reputation. Word on the street is maybe Dayton needed to spend a little more time on the design of that one. It does save you a few bucks, but it could cost you a lot in the SQ department.
Hmmm..... Should we maybe consider buying TWO of these?

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by my calculations, that has us land at $1,535, with the little issue of projector with a painted screen? Or a very inexpensive flat panel TV.

- Denon AVR-S510BT 5.2 Receiver ($159)
- Pioneer 5-channel Speaker System ($490)
- We've pegged a display/PJ to be ($500)
- Dual SUB-1200 ($270)
- Sony BDPS3700 Streaming Blu-Ray Disc Player with Wi-Fi ($64)
-Two HDMI cables (one to display/projector and one from BD to AVR). If we go with Monoprice, we're looking at about $30 for a 4ft cable and a 20ft cable.
-14 gauge speaker wire100ft is $18 at monoprice.
-Sub cable: 25ft for $4 mono price.

Yup... all that equals $1,535

We are SOOOOOO close! We haven't really accounted for shipping in this cost. Nor have we settled the display/PJ issue. Looks like we have a little bit more to do.
If we are looking at out the door price including shipping I think there are only a few options to get it down to $1500 and purchase a screen. I would go with that BenQ 1080 projector.

Drop the tower speakers or drop the subs. I would drop the subs, something that can be added later. That would also drop the $4 sub cable.
Then add this 92" fixed screen for $179 on sale from visual apex http://www.visualapex.com/Projector-Screens/Projector_Screen_Details.asp?chPartNumber=VAPEXPRO9092FF

That would free up $95 for shipping.....Total $1440, then down the line one could splurge for a sub..... or one could still buy a sub 1200 for $135 and come in at a total of $1579 without shipping. Which frankly I would say is a pretty good setup for the money.
I don't see many areas left to cut without compromising an area of the system to a point in which I would be comfortable buying rather than wait to save a few more bucks.
You know... you make a really good point.

We have subs AND towers. One or the other could be sacrificed. It wouldn't be crazy to go bookshelf and keep subs (or, vice-versa... let's see what others say.
Sub: http://www.hsuresearch.com/products/vtf-1mk3.html

I think we are going to have to come down on the projector price and go with a multimedia projector like the Epson I linked to earlier and either do a white wall or that cheap $75 screen I linked to.
If we got rid of the towers and went dual subs, we'd find ourselves under $1.5K.

That PJ I had linked was picked by WireCutter as the best budget PJ on the market.... I guess the question is, how much are we sacrificing by shaving the PJ to put a little more into a sub that's not leaps and bounds better (say, the difference between a $300 sub and a comparable $1,500 sub)?
Definitely don't get rid of the subs. Does anyone want to watch a movie without at least one? Didn't think so.
Towers to the small pioneer bookshelves on the main channels? not sure I would go that route given a lot of the sound comes out of the front. It would be likley that you would drive them too hard to fill the size space we want.
Well I deleted my post. I just can't see going with a PJ and a screen and having bookshelves sitting next to it. I think towers are a must. the only way I see left is to try a DIY screen mentioned earlier. I know nothing about this option so can't really comment on what the return would be.
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If we are looking at out the door price including shipping I think there are only a few options to get it down to $1500 and purchase a screen. I would go with that BenQ 1080 projector.

Drop the tower speakers or drop the subs. I would drop the subs, something that can be added later. That would also drop the $4 sub cable.
Then add this 92" fixed screen for $179 on sale from visual apex http://www.visualapex.com/Projector-Screens/Projector_Screen_Details.asp?chPartNumber=VAPEXPRO9092FF

That would free up $95 for shipping.....Total $1440, then down the line one could splurge for a sub..... or one could still buy a sub 1200 for $135 and come in at a total of $1579 without shipping. Which frankly I would say is a pretty good setup for the money.
I don't see many areas left to cut without compromising an area of the system to a point in which I would be comfortable buying rather than wait to save a few more bucks.
I'm stickin with this, quite surprised actually at the quality of a whole setup for that price point. I think if someone asked me how to get a full setup for $1500 I would be confident recommending this. They can always wait for Christmas or tax returns to add a $100 sub or two.
Can we do a test track on the final equipment list? I think if we're going to recommend it maybe it should sound and look good. For a sound test I recommend "Reaching Out" BASSNECTAR. The bass heads will most likely know and appreciate this track. As for video I recommend Gravity. What do you think?
Can we do a test track on the final equipment list? I think if we're going to recommend it maybe it should sound and look good. For a sound test I recommend "Reaching Out" BASSNECTAR. The bass heads will most likely know and appreciate this track. As for video I recommend Gravity. What do you think?

Is someone buying this setup to demo? Lest we can imagine the audio and the video of Bassnectar and Gravity.....:scratchhead:.....:jump:
If we're going to recommend it sounds like a giveaway to me. Just sayin....
I can try reaching out to the various manufacturers to see if I can get this gear. Might take a while to get a response, but we'll see.

Look, we got this to $1600-ish. That's pretty amazing. I know the number is $1500, but $1600 is pretty close to that budget number.
I can try reaching out to the various manufacturers to see if I can get this gear. Might take a while to get a response, but we'll see.

Look, we got this to $1600-ish. That's pretty amazing. I know the number is $1500, but $1600 is pretty close to that budget number.
I would think this budget package being recommended in this fashion would be receiving invaluable marketing. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have any problems getting the package for review. I just think a recommendation shouldn't be made without actually hearing and seeing these items. A lot of people would be interested in this system especially at the price point.