Let's Play "Name That Brand"

Todd, that is the holy grail of tape decks. .Nakamichi


Want to take ONE swing at the model?
I don't know the model number but a buddy of mine had one.. That is how I know. The tape automatically switched from side A to B.. I was very impressed.
tripplej, I'm impressed
I would have loved to have it but alas I was poor back then and couldn't afford the Nakamichi.. I ended up using a cheap sony.. :)

Nakamichi RX-202
TrippleJ: 2
lee creek: 1

Todd: -3

Looks like one of my old vhs tape rewinders......
Yeah, I second the vhs tape rewinder. I had one in black, I think it was a KINYO.
Wow. TrippleJ is pulling brand names out of thin air! leecreek... you were headed in the right direction!

TrippleJ: 3
lee creek: 1

Todd: -4
Hmm,... Polk in a cherry veneer?
Mark, in on the action!

Any one shot guesses at model?
Polk Audio M10 Bookshelf Speaker??
You got it.

tripplej 3
lee creek 1
Mark C Flick 1

Todd... -5
I am not sure on this one but it does look like a bi-polar speaker.. My guess here but Definitive Technology speaker?
Well, this is a new record. It's been 9 hours and no one has jumped in with a correct answer! :jump:
My guess would have been Definitive Technology as well. The only other one I can think of would be Klipsch. :scratchhead::dontknow:

This should be an easy one... I bet @Tony V. can guess it.
I know the answer but I will see how long it takes for someone to figure it out....
You're big chance to get an easy chip!
The only other brand that I know that makes high quality surround bipolar speakers is SVS.. So, I will go with SVS. :)