Let's Play "Name That Brand"

tripplej 4
lee creek 1
Mark C Flick 1

Todd... -6
That Last one was a tough one.. :)

I was going to give up if it wasn't SVS. :)
Hump day means a tough one... good luck folks! I did leave a little hint on this one, but I don't think it will help much. But, there is a defining characteristic visible (if you know, then you know) :devil:

We'll let this one sit for 24hrs.

Screen Shot 2017-10-04 at 9.47.03 AM.png
The defining characteristic are the screw patterns on the front??

Dynaudio Special Forty speakers??

Got the brand...not the model
Who is going to step up and challenge tripplej? He's a force of visual recognition!
lol.. At least I got the brand.. :)
For the model, is it X18 (in Rosewood) ?
Actually X14a

I was thinking the cone was a give away...

Screen Shot 2017-10-04 at 5.46.42 PM.png
tripplej 5
lee creek 1
Mark C Flick 1

Todd... -7
That is funny. All of their speakers have the same or similar positioned screw pattern. lol.
Hats off to you, JJJ, for recognizing!
It looks like a Sony..
The CD tray is the key here.. Pioneer??
You got it! You're good JJJ!
This one was tough.. I give you that.. :)

Pioneer PD S701 Compact Disc Player
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