endtable top view.jpg

Negatron ii HT

This is my current setup in Mexico
My path is for my avp left and right channels go from the preout to the remote switcher (a balanced xlr switcher that has my Athena as the default for output going to my Xilica crossover and when I turn on my AVP it switches the input to the AVP. When the AVP is turned off it switches to my Athena for the output.

Now when I run REW, I have been using my windows 11 laptop and the audio and video is sent via the HDMI on the laptop to the AVP.
I just ordered a 1/8" male to dual male rca cable so I can plug into the laptop headphone jack and plug the RCA splitter cable into the Denafrips Athena. We will see if I get different/better results.
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Another option is to use the Generator function to save a sweep tone with start refs as a .wav file and play it through your entire signal chain, Roon or put on a jump drive, connect to your Lumin and play thru the Lumin player... Then just use the lappy usb with the mic to acquire the sample sweep tone...

As for your previous comment about the Xillica FIR filters... How are you creating the FIR filters? And doesn't theose FIR filters deal with magnitude and phase?
Thank you for the suggestions... I should have a HDMI breakout box in the next 2 weeks and also a 1/8" splitter to dual RCAs next week. I have decided to sell the Lumin U1 mini as I think the Nucleus 1 is all I need.. Selling the Lumin will get me some cash to pay off all these mods and be one less item in the rack and 1 less item to ship when we move to Europe....sometime in the next 2 years.

It looks like I was mistaken on the Fir filters.... I have 31 GEQ filters per input and 8 PEQ filters per output.

I found this about the filters "
FIR filters and GEQ filters are different types of filters used in signal processing and audio mixing:

  • FIR filters
    Finite impulse response (FIR) filters produce an output that's limited to a finite amount of time, while GEQ filters are used for broad tonal shaping and quick adjustments to fixed frequency bands.

  • Features
    FIR filters are also known as non-recursive filters, convolution filters, or moving-average filters. They're inherently stable because they have no feedback in their equation. FIR filters can be easier to design than other types of filters, and they can produce linear phases. However, they often require a higher filter order than IIR filters to achieve the same level of performance.

  • Applications
    GEQ filters are commonly used for feedback control in live sound situations. They can be easier to use for broad tonal shaping or when you want to make quick adjustments to fixed frequency bands.
No worries @NBPK402... I use FIR filters in a convolution engine (HangLoose Convolver) for DSP Room Correction... It is like having 32768 eq sliders embedded in the FIR filter... It is all done in software via a VST plugin hosted in the Audirvana player...

I am pretty sure you can upload FIR filters to the Roon player as well as managing additional EQ and speaker distances...

As far as your above graphics goes I would probably flatten your lows to match the rest of the frequency range and then add a -6db tilt... Easier said than done in hardware... Notice that many newer EQ emulations (plugins) actually have a tilt knob... Lol...
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No worries @NBPK402... I use FIR filters in a convolution engine (HangLoose Convolver) for DSP Room Correction... It is like having 32768 eq sliders embedded in the FIR filter... It is all done in software via a VST plugin hosted in the Audirvana player...

I am pretty sure you can upload FIR filters to the Roon player as well as managing additional EQ and speaker distances...

As far as your above graphics goes I would probably flatten your lows to match the rest of the frequency range and then add a -6db tilt... Easier said than done in hardware... Notice that many newer EQ emulations (plugins) actually have a tilt knob... Lol...
I am going to retune because...even though it sounds great, I am hitting 90 db on peaks at 10 on the volume control (60 is max), and I am maxed at about 35 on the volume. It sounds very loud even though it is just over 100db @14'.... I have had problems with getting REW setup since we moved to Mexico. I can set it up and it is fine then later in the day it says signal to noise is to low or distortion is to high. I change the levels and it gives another error that something in the chain is to high. I am hoping that if I use either a hdmi breakout box or a 1/8" RCA splitter that I can get the levels right.

I am also curious as to what it will sound like going through the Pontus 2 via optical...so I am going to try a little experiment.
Coming Friday...my new horn setup. I chose this new setup because I have always like the look of the Onkyo, but my version will be a teenie bit larger and be possibly completely OB, or half OB and half with a cabinet. Size is about the size of a Jubilee with similarities to the Onkyo.


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Wow... those look awesome.
I agree… those look amazing!!
Both horns are assembled to the frame and have the bottom woofers installed. Tomorrow I will get the top compression driver and woofers Installed. I hope I have enough wire for the bottom woofers. I know I have another XLR cable.
You've been busy... and you got it looking really nice... beautiful work indeed. :T
My wife came home today and I asked her what she thought and she was not really pleased due to the size. I told her the footprint is exactly the same as when the f20 horn was laying down and the same height as when the f20 is standing up. Then she took a closer look and really likes the way the horns look now vs the ratty old black horns. :)

When I set up everything with the minidsp ddrc88a, I discovered a buzz from both compression drivers (cables and amps are the exact same ones I used prior to swapping in the minidsp. I tried inverting the wall wart power supply connector since it is the "0 0" connector and can be inverted...no difference. I then swapped out the power cable...no difference. Then I removed the xlr input to the power amp and it went away. So now I am down to swapping the xlr cable from the minidsp to the amp. If that does not solve it...next is to check the green wiring block to XLR connector adapters (from minidsp). Last possibility is that the wall brick is bad (I already tried swapping the power cable for the brick).

Now each channel is plugged into its own wall socket on the same wall and never induced a buzz, so I am assuming that is not the problem...plus the buzz is on both compression drivers too.
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TRoubleshooted by removing and swapping cables and have come to the conclusion that either it is a problem with the Minidsp itself or the power brick. I ordered a new power brick today...we will find out in a week.. If it is internal... I will see if minidsp can sell me a replacement board.
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I was not happy with my new tune until I listened to this track..after tuning and Dirac!! I am still going swap out the emminence woofers and add a 2nd pair if the Celestions. Everything on this track is so realistid! The celestions have ton of bass right around 100hz, and extend down to 20-30hz depending on how much spl you want and Are a perfect match for the comp and f20s. When I was tuning and I went to tune the Celestions...I had easily over 10db more which means less turning down the compression driver or sub.
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That's a great album and song... love it. :T
Today, I tuned the horns, and decided the Eminence woofers will definitely be going to the surrounds. The Celestion ftr15-3070c woofers are so much clearer, and tighter than the Eminence Alpha 15As (which are recommended for OB speakers), they sound so muddy and are at least 6db less efficient. I know the specs will not agree, but in my setup they are not even in the same league. The Celestions are cleaner sounding, dig deeper, tighter and more efficient even without a cabinet. Now I need to remove the Eminence woofers and put them away until I get the surrounds done (I think the surrounds will be Trios with a horn and the Eminence woofers).
In addition I lowered the crossover frequency from 500 down to 300 (had to sacrifice some spl, but I had so much to spare that I did it via tuning instead of gain. I also lowered the crossover on the F20s to 40hz ( I played around with 100hz, 80hz, 60uz, and settled on 40hz...cause they just sounded better and matched the Celestions better too.
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Definitely gotta go with what sounds the best. :T
I have always crossed over sub to full range mains a little above where the full range mains go down to... My new sub ranges from 20Hz to ~52Hz as the mains go down to 42Hz... I may eventually move the crossover down a little lower as I get used to the new sub in my kit...

I think for mostly stereo music this is the way to go... Whereas in a mainly home theatre system one might stay around the 80Hz range..

Beautiful cabinet @NBPK402... That turned out so sweet... :hail:😍
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Today I worked on my Roon Nucleus... I recently got a free Tailscale account for accessing my Unraid NAS remotely, and when I went into Roon, I noticed Tailscale was listed. I selected it and my phone all of a sudden was able to access Roon again (it used to access it as did all of my tablets, but recently only my tablets could use Roon, so this was a big plus for me).
Now I then went to try and use it outside of my wifi and it still would not work. I then tried the Roon ARC app, and it still had a problem, so I downloaded the Tailscale app on my phone and tried agai..it worked! N3xt I turned off my wifi and it still worked, so a success. I then installed tailscale followed by ARC, and everything works.

The reason I have Roon and ARC both installed is that ARC only allows the device connected to play locally on the device, but the normal Roon App allows you to select zones.

Now the best thing for me about this is once you sign up for a tailscale free account , download the app, install ARC...you do nothing except open the tailscale app, then open ARC and everything works. No port forwarding at all and you can even have your VPN on at the same time. Now I can listen to music in our car or anywhere we go.
I just found out how much Klipsch has raised the cost of the k402 horns...they are now $2800 each plus shipping! Now I do not know if they are including the new Celestion driver or not, so I calculated out what I have in my front channels of my cost and the new k402 horns.

I have about $6500 total (not including cutting the holes or adding the mesquite...so when I calculated for the replacement cost I also did not include that, but I did include buying new Celestion Comp drivers as I suspect that that you get the cheaper driver like I did.

Replacement cost $16,000 a pair. No way I could afford to rebuild my speakers at the current market price!