Negatron II

Today I got my Dune setup working with MyMovies database software, and I have to say it is just what I needed to get my catalog looking like I wanted. One thing I learned while trying to get this to work is that when you setup MyMovies for Dune...import your movies as "Disc" not "Movies". Now when I select MyMovies it lists all my movies, and when I select a will show a background shot, movie cover, synopsis, Director, Actors, stream format, rez, aspect, FPS, surround modes, rating, runtime, and genre.. If you want to play that movie you can hit play or hit enter in the remote...this then will either start to play the movie or open another screen which shows what discs you ripped for the movie. If you want to watch the movie you select it, if you want to watch the bonus disc select it (This will work for whatever movies or bonus discs you ripped for this movie). Now to setup my 2nd Dune to do the same thing should be a snap since I know how to do it my way.
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View attachment 13080 Today I got my Dune setup working with MyMovies database software, and I have to say it is just what I needed to get my catalog looking like I wanted. One thing I learned while trying to get this to work is that when you setup MyMovies for Dune...import your movies as "Disc" not "Movies". Now when I select MyMovies it lists all my movies, and when I select a will show a background shot, movie cover, synopsis, Director, Actors, stream format, rez, aspect, FPS, surround modes, rating, runtime, and genre.. If you want to play that movie you can hit play or hit enter in the remote...this then will either start to play the movie or open another screen which shows what discs you ripped for the movie. If you want to watch the movie you select it, if you want to watch the bonus disc select it (This will work for whatever movies or bonus discs you ripped for this movie). Now to setup my 2nd Dune to do the same thing should be a snap since I know how to do it my way.
View attachment 13080 Today I got my Dune setup working with MyMovies database software, and I have to say it is just what I needed to get my catalog looking like I wanted. One thing I learned while trying to get this to work is that when you setup MyMovies for Dune...import your movies as "Disc" not "Movies". Now when I select MyMovies it lists all my movies, and when I select a will show a background shot, movie cover, synopsis, Director, Actors, stream format, rez, aspect, FPS, surround modes, rating, runtime, and genre.. If you want to play that movie you can hit play or hit enter in the remote...this then will either start to play the movie or open another screen which shows what discs you ripped for the movie. If you want to watch the movie you select it, if you want to watch the bonus disc select it (This will work for whatever movies or bonus discs you ripped for this movie). Now to setup my 2nd Dune to do the same thing should be a snap since I know how to do it my way.
Hi can you tell me which are the best HDD to buy to work with your Dune Pro 4K plus? I’ve seen a few posts where some are not compatible.

Thank you

I am not sure what HDDs are best.. I do know you need a cool running one as the one drive bay does not have any cooling. I would go for a NAS HDD. I have my setup currently running off of the NAS, and I have a SSD hooked up to the USB port.
Still waiting on my Bluray cabinet, and bass trap frames.. Hopefully i will get them soon. I think i will find another carpenter for my other projects. I did find a furniture maker that has a CNC for wood though! I will hit him up once i get ready to make the speaker cabinets. CNC should mean all the pieces will fit properly, and be square too!!.
Hi Guys... I have always had good luck with Western Digital Black Performance SATA III HDDs as stand alone or in RAID configurations... And Samsung EVO SSDs as SATA III or the NVMe M.2 configurations...
View attachment 907 View attachment 900 this is an example of a brick has wooden open beams too, plus the ceiling get will be 12-15' high.

Here is an example of what we would have liked to have, but it would be a nightmare to attach atmos ceiling speakers, and I have no idea how it would sound.

How ironic that the kitchen ceiling we wanted, and we ended up with the same style ceiling in our living room but 30' high.
Just placed an order for a Xilica xp4080 for my crossover for the front 3 channels, and for up to 2 subs. Hopefully my bluray cabinet, and bass trap frames will be here this week...this will be the last time I use this carpenter as the work my wife has had done since Xmas has been taking a very long time. My work should have been done weeks ago too. Now that I have found someone with a CNC machine that builds furniturelocally... I will have them cut the plywood for my bass bins for the surrounds, and also my cabinets for the k402s.

I was going to order another Xilica, but I do not think it is needed for the surrounds... I have 2 minidsp 2x4s that can be used as long as I run unbalanced which should not be a problem since the farthest speaker will be under 40'.

I really hope to have my front 3 channels done soon.
I've been ripping my entire library of discs as MKV files that I'll be accessing with PLEX (at least for the time being). Will the Dune players playback MKV files from a NAS with proper HDR metadata etc.?

I've always loved the Dune hardware, but it's not in the budget at this point. Hoping in the future I would be able to pick one up and still use the same files on the NAS.
I've been ripping my entire library of discs as MKV files that I'll be accessing with PLEX (at least for the time being). Will the Dune players playback MKV files from a NAS with proper HDR metadata etc.?

I've always loved the Dune hardware, but it's not in the budget at this point. Hoping in the future I would be able to pick one up and still use the same files on the NAS.
I am not sure on the metadata, but I do know it plays 4k mkv files flawlessly on my setup.
A little update. Here is my new Bluray cabinet. I also have ordered a new amplifier case that is a Krell ksa50s clone. I will be installing 6 of my B&O amp modules in it. I also ordered some more extruded aluminum for my new audio cabinet. The cabinet will look the same as the bluray cabinet, but it will have a extruded aluminum frame internally. The shelves will be the ones from my current rack. This month I hope to have the blackout cloth installed on the backside of my curtains, plus get the valances made.I will post more pics as we complete parts of the project. I am hoping my friend will be able to have the k402 horn mold completed early next month. Then I will be making 2 more horns, and also 2 more speaker cabinets for the horns. I am thinking of having them painted with automotive paint too.
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Update... I just ordered 4 Klipsch rp160m speakers in cherry. These will be used as my front channels until my k402s are ready...once the fronts are ready these will be used as my surrounds, and surround back speakers.For the time being I will use my 4 channel Yamaha Pro amp for powering them until I get the B&O AMP modules installed in their case. Hopefully I will have 7 channels plus 4 Atmos channels by November. Next year will be projector, screen, and new AVP time.
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I got my Klipsch RP160m speakers in. I was surprised as to jow good they sound and how good the bass is after hearing responses that the bass was poor. Now this doesn't mean I do not need a sub...just that they sound surprisingly good from the top end to the bottom end. I am powering them with my little Nobsound amps, and although they sound good, I think more power is needed.
I also received most of my 80/20 aluminum in for the new AV rack, and I should have 2 Yamaha P2500s amps in a couple of weeks. These are 250wpc stereo pro amps (I had a stack of them in my previous setup, and sold them along with most my equipment when we moved). I will use these for the Klipsch 160m speakers until I get my B&O amp module amp built. Then these Yamahas will either go to my 4 surround speakers or my 4 Atmos channels.
Update... I have 2 Yamaha Pro P2500s amps on the way. These will be used for y front channels until the B&O AMP modules are installed in their new case. 80wpc is not quite enough umph for the large room. 250wpc should be great for the RP160m speakers, and should be great for either surrounds or maybe Atmos channels...I need to see how 250wpc does, and if it is not quite enough I go with bridge balanced B&O AMP modules which will get me around 400w per amp.

So far I have found that with some music the RP160M speakers sound great, and with others not so good. The listening so far has mainly been with 2 channel SACDs. I had the same affect when I had my ML setup, but not quite as much with the JBL 2360a setup in my last HT. We will see what happens once I get some room treatment made, and tune the room.
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I have some nice 15" cast aluminum film reels coming... I am going to make end tables out of them, but I will use them for speaker stands until I get my big 3 front channel Synergy horns done.
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A few pics of some progress. I have installed some absorbers, silk movie posters, and I now have my Klipsch Rp160m speakers on stands. I should have the aluminum skeleton ready in a week or so, and then the shelves need to be cut to size. I hope to have the amp ready sometime next month. I think I am going to use the Roxul that I have to make 2 bass traps on the front wall, and make poly diffusers for the area above the curtains. I will make them for the side walls back to the loft too. Please excuse the wires.